The fantastic street art intervention made by Pisica Pătrată in 2018 has been removed from the façade of the Cina building.
If you crossed by Cina aka Spațiul M60 and didn‘t see the unusually well-integrated artwork made by Pisica Pătrată, don‘t worry because we managed to recover it.
Following a weeks-long investigation, e-mails & phone calls, we found that the six panels which make up the art intervention painted by Pisica Pătrată in 2018, during the Un-hidden Bucharest, were removed by somebody who claimed it was their artwork. They were kind enough to return the painting in good condition, having been safely stored, after we talked to them.
We are now looking for a new spot to place this artwork because our intention, together with the author, Pisica Pătrată, is to continue to make this artwork available in a public space, so everybody can enjoy it for free, without having to pay a ticket.
Above, you can find a few images depicting Pisica Pătrată at work, painting the wooden panels before their installation on the façade of the Cina building, whose garden hosted the M60 Space.
We are still looking for the artworks stolen at the Romanian Design Week (2019) and the Un-hidden Romanian exhibition (2020) at Imbold gallery.
Pisica Pătrată (the Square Cat) is one of the most acclaimed illustrators and muralists in Romania, and also the founder of the Comic Books Museum. He has an intense activity, with many public appearances, book launches, comics, magazines, personal exhibitions, participation in festivals and a long series of murals. In the Un-hidden street art in Romania book and the map, you can find a good part of the works and artistic installations featuring Pisica Pătrată‘s characters, which reconfigure forgotten spaces in the urban environment, galleries or even museums.
In recent years, we have been happy to have several opportunities to collaborate with Pisica Pătrată by creating one of the most beloved murals in Bucharest and a street art installation on the façade of the Capitol Summer Theatre (2008, 2016, 2017). We exhibited some of his astonishing paintings in multiple collective exhibitions at Kube, Lente, Palatul Universul, Romanian Design Week and Imbold Gallery. In the living room and in the urban garden of Lente, you can find the mural made in 2016, within the series Pictăm Pereți, and the wooden totem Un-hidden Bucharest (2017). Also, in collaboration with the Un-hidden Bucharest project, Pisica Pătrată installed 6 wooden panels on the façade of the Cina building, which hosted the M60 Space (2018). At the end of last year (2020) we invited Pisica Pătrată to paint a large canvas during the feeder sound live session with Primărie.
Part of the collection of wooden art toys assembled and painted by Pisica Pătrată are available in the
You can find out more about the Pisica Pătrată by reading the extended feeder insider interview, browsing the digital catalogue of works or the 300 news and articles indexed in the archive.
Words by Cristina Popa (random / nwt) & Andrei racovițan (ubic)
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