CAPITOL Cinema / Summer Theatre
Situated downtown Bucharest, the ensemble of historical monuments CAPITOL Cinema (LMI B-II-m-B-18683) and CAPITOL Summer Theatre (LMI B-II-m-B-19202) occupies the plot of land between 36 Elisabeta Bd. and 13 C-tin Mille St.
In 2017-2018, Save or Cancel proposes a cultural heritage awareness and sensitization campaign, with an application on Capitol Cinema / Summer Theatre , revealing the economic, social and educational potential of all abandoned cultural spaces in Romania, and the involvement of artists and the local community in trans-sectorial, multi-disciplinary, collaborative projects.
Visit the project website:
4 conferences, 3 art installations, 4 exhibitions and 3 open calls for ideas will reactivate the collective memory, reintegrating the monuments in the public circuit through democratic reinterpretations of the cultural space, exploring the links between art, nature and the city.
Discover 54 remarkable street art installations commissioned by Save or Cancel
Discover 54 remarkable murals and street art installations commissioned by the Save or Cancel team in collaboration with During…
OAR București: “Nepăsare sau impostură culturală: Teatrul de vară „Alhambra” de pe strada Constantin Mille nr. 13”
OAR București a publicat, la data de 26 august 2021, un punct de vedere ferm despre lucrările realizate recent la…
Retrospectiva unora dintre posterele evenimentelor din 2008
Printre multitudinea de lucruri interesante publicate de igu și colaboratorii, încă din 2004, calendarul de evenimente este una dintre…
Stolen art at Un-hidden Romania exhibition
Dragi cititori și prieteni, avem o mare problemă și nevoie de ajutorul vostru. La ultimele trei expoziții Un-hidden Romania, au…
Interview with Tobias Barenthin Lindblad (SE) – Un-hidden Bucharest [en]
Interview with Tobias Barenthin Lindblad (SE) – Un-hidden Bucharest [en] Shortly before Urban Vibes vol. 3 kicked-off this May in…
BTLT CAPITOL @ Romanian Design Week & Creative Quarter Design Festival
BTLT CAPITOL @ Romanian Design Week & Creative Quarter Design Festival În luna mai, proiectul CAPITOL a fost prezentat în…
BTLT: Tur ghidat Un-hidden Bucharest @ Creative Quarter Design Festival (I)
BTLT: Tur ghidat Un-hidden Bucharest @ Creative Quarter Design Festival (I) Sâmbătă, 18 mai, a avut loc primul tur de…
フィーダー・インサイダーインタビュー 山口 歴
[read in EN] Un-hidden Bucharest インタビューの最新版では、日本人アーティストの山口 歴が自己認識を巡る旅をどのようにして始めたのか、その旅の途中では誰が彼に影響を与えたのか、変わる事への渇望、自己の限界を押し広げ今まで見た事のないアートを創り出す原動力や、ブラッシュストロークを我々の生きる時代の表現へとまとめ上げていくなかで人々を魅了する力について我々に語ります。 山口 歴はまた、開催予定のニューヨークでの作品展について、街の風景の一部としてのミューラルという考え方についてや、成功の為のステップバイステップについても伝えています。 f: あなたは、常に新しくユニークで時代に即したアートを作ろうと励んでいますが、その事を社会的又は政治的スタンスやテーマ抜きにしてやろうとしているのではないかと思います。 あなたのアートの宇宙は、ヴィジュアル的に目を引く尽きないクリエーション・プロセスを表現し、限界や境界を越えて拡張し、観念の枠組み同様キャンバスの枠組みを乗り越えたフォームで構成されています。 鑑賞者として、解釈としての無限の可能性に考えを巡らせる私たちがいるのです。 それはさながら、想像したり楽しませてもらえる遊び場への招待状をもらったかのようです。 ボックス(箱、枠組み)のアウトサイドを探検してみようと決めた瞬間について、また、今日に至るまでのあなたの旅路においてあなたを導いた主な経験について教えてください。 Meguru Yamaguchi: この作品にたどり着くまで色々ありました。まず23歳でニューヨークに来て感じたのは、「自分はどこから来て、どこに(表現として)向かっていくのか。」ということ。ニューヨークは人種の坩堝と言われるよう移民も多く人種も民族も宗教も国も違う人間が集まっている街。街そのものが多様性を包容していて、皆自分の文化や国をリプレゼントしてました。地下鉄や街を歩くだけで否が応でも自分と向き合わざるを得ない。23年間生きてきて初めて、自分自身についてや自分の生まれた国、育った文化について考えました。 自分にしか出来ないオリジナルの表現とはなんだろう? 長い間自分自身を見つめてわかったことは、自分が小さい頃に夢中になった好きだったものや、見てきたもの、やってきたことが自分を知るヒントになるのではないかということ。小さい頃、自分は絵を描くのが好きでした。油絵を小1で始めてみんなと同じ絵を描くのが嫌でゴッホのストロークを真似してチューブからそのままキャンバスに描いていたこと。書道を習っていたこと。高校時代に影響を受けたストリートカルチャーや岡本太郎。自分は日本で美大にも行けなかったし、会社にも入れなかった。ニューヨークに移り住んでアジア人としての差別も受けた。…
Creative Quarter Design Festival starts on May 18th
Creative Quarter Design Festival starts on May 18th Creative Quarter Design Festival, the first big festival of the quarter around…
Romanian Design Week presents on 17-26 of May one of the most valuable local design and architecture projects [Schedule]
Romanian Design Week presents on 17-26 of May one of the most valuable local design and architecture projects Romanian Design…
UPDATE! BTLT: at Romanian Design Week 2019
UPDATE! BTLT (Been there liked that): at Romanian Design Week 2019 [EN] As the seventh edition of Romanian Design Week starts,…
Interviu cu Trun (RU) – Un-hidden Bucharest
[read in EN] Unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți artiști ai scenei de graffiti din Rusia și fondatorul legendarului crew…
Interview with Meguru Yamaguchi (JP) – Un-hidden Bucharest [en]
[read in Japanese] In the latest Un-hidden Bucharest interview, Japanese artist Meguru Yamaguchi tells us how he started his…
The Un-hidden Bucharest map and CAPITOL booklet @ Romanian Design Week 2019
[scroll down for en] Cea de-a șaptea ediție a Romanian Design Week, eveniment multidisciplinar dedicat industriilor creative locale, are loc…
Noi intervenții stradale de J.Ace în București: Un tribut adus orașului și artiștilor locali
[read in EN] În interviul recent parte din seria Un-hidden Bucharest, artistul britanic J.Ace, creatorul de intervenții sculpturale pe…
Romanian Design Week 2019 presents over 200 design and architecture projects
Romanian Design Week, a multidisciplinary event dedicated to local creative industries, already at its seventh edition, will be held in…
Interview with Maria Duda – Un-hidden Bucharest [en]
[citește în RO] The Un-hidden Bucharest series of interviews continues with a discussion about change alongside Maria Duda, a…
New street art interventions by J.Ace in Bucharest: A tribute to the city and local artists
[citește în RO] In our recent interview part of the Un-hidden Bucharest series, UK artist and world traveler J.Ace,…
Interviu cu Maria Duda – Un-hidden Bucharest
[read in EN] Seria interviurilor Un-hidden Bucharest continuă cu o discuție despre schimbare alături de Maria Duda, membru fondator…
Interview with Skinny Bunny –Un-hidden Bucharest [en]
[citește în RO] Mary Stroe aka Skinny Bunny invites us into the artistic “backstage” of her intervention at the…