What started out as Cristina’s irregular series taking a laywoman’s pulse of the science world, this space now aims to feed diverse and curious minds through most feeder columns, while democratizing the online publishing processes through social design and responsive editorial projects.
This mixture of random content is actually an invitation for you to contribute your news about music and art.
This week on feeder: music & street art
Our first “This week on feeder” of 2025 is here! Happy New Year! We have almost released all three new…
This week on feeder: premiere, EP reviews, publications and street art
Winter is almost here, and we are happy to share our latest premiere and EP reviews, plus Artă în lucru…
60+ Fresh Places to Enjoy a Great Time and Awesome Cooking in Bucharest [2024]
60+ Fresh Places to Enjoy a Great Time and Awesome Cooking in Bucharest [2024] Looking for the best places to…
Deciphering Streets Through Art, o nouă carte despre street art
[read in English] Editura Save or Cancel continuă activitatea de cercetare, cartare și publicare a fenomenului de street art, cu…
This week on feeder: premiere, music, publications and events
We are happy to announce that the third printed edition of Artă în lucru magazine is now available, and the…
Save or Cancel anunță lansarea revistei „Artă în lucru, nr. 3”
[read in English] Al treilea număr al revistei „Artă în lucru” este disponibil online, pe feeder.ro/shop, iar în curând va putea fi…
Photos and video with Aleksi in Bucharest during the BSBSA project
[citește în Română] Explore photos and videos of Bulgarian artist Aleksi Ivanov as he guides you through his creative process in crafting a…
This week on feeder: premiere, music, street art and previews
With great exuberance, projects, news and previews from the underground electronic music scene and street art world. Discover more of…
Artă în lucru, nr. 3 – magazine cover preview
Revista Artă în lucru, nr. 3 este aproape gata și suntem super încântați să îți arătăm un mic preview al…
Deciphering Streets Through Art – book cover preview
This is a work in progress for the cover of the upcoming printed edition of Deciphering Streets Through Art, a…
Romanian Street Art with Sunshiners (mural) & Cezar Lazăr (soundtrack)
[citește în română] Romanian Street Art unveiled two new multidisciplinary art interventions in Bucharest, combining visual and acoustic creativity. These artworks,…
This week on feeder: Sound, premiere & street art
With fantastic energy, projects, and news from the underground electronic music scene, street art and graffiti world. Discover more of…
Mythological Creatures Reinterpreted by Aleksi Ivanov in Bucharest
[citește în Română] Bucharest, 23 September 2024 BSBSA invites Bulgarian artist Aleksi Ivanov to reimagine mythological creatures in Bucharest As…
This week on feeder: Sound, premiere & street art
With great energy, plans, and much news about the underground electronic music scene, street art and graffiti. Discover: – a…
Romanian Street Art hosts a multidisciplinary work created by Sunshiners (BG) and Cezar Lazăr
[citește în română] Save or Cancel announces the upcoming multidisciplinary artistic intervention created by the Bulgarian artist Sunshiners (mural painting), in collaboration…
Rezultate: Apel deschis fotografie de street art | Deciphering streets through art
Lucrări Rezultate Apelul deschis își propune să premieze și să publice, în cartea Deciphering streets through art, trei fotografii care prezintă street art din spațiul public din…
Rezultate: apel deschis pentru artă participativă Artă în lucru, nr. 3
Lucrări Rezultate [read in English] Apelul deschis pentru revista “Artă în lucru”, aflat la a treia ediție, își propune să identifice, să…
Încep înscrierile la “Ateliere și Tururi Un-hidden”
Proiectul “Ateliere și Tururi Un-hidden”, finanțat de Ministerul Culturii prin programul Acces 2024 – “Joaca de-a Vacanța!”, lansează înscrierile pentru o…
BSBSA hosts the first intervention created by Serbian artist Jana Danilović in Bucharest
The BSBSA (Belgrade Sofia Bucharest Street Art) project has produced the first artistic intervention in the series, created by artist Jana Danilović (Serbia) and…
BSBSA hosts the first intervention created by Serbian artist Jana Danilović in Bucharest
The BSBSA project hosts the first art intervention in the series, created by Serbian artist Jana Danilović in Bucharest, Romania….