Meet Serbian artist Jana Danilović! She talked about her inspiration for working on the street and inspiration for the concept for the mural that she will create in June in Bucharest. Jana will be the first international artist that will kick start the regional knowledge exchange of the BSBSA (Belgrade Sofia Bucharest Street Art).
About the artist
Jana Danilović was born in Užice in 1989. She completed her undergraduate and master studies in wall painting at the Faculty of Philology and Arts in Kragujevac and defended her master’s thesis in 2013. She received her D.A. from the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade in 2018, defending the art research project “City and Painting – Significance and Function of Painting Interventions in Public Space“. The focus of interest and action is on the relationship between the image and various aspects of the public’s construct both through the author’s artistic work and through theoretical research and critical texts in the media. So far, she has exhibited her works several times in reference galleries in the country and abroad. She is the author of many murals and interventions in public spaces in the country, region and Europe.
Follow the project activities on website, instagram, facebook or youtube.
The Small Scale Cooperation Creative Europe project 101131802 – BSBSA is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, under the Call for proposals CREA-CULT-2023-COOP.
The project consortium partners are Udruzenje Gradjana Kruna from Republic of Serbia, Mnogo Deinosti Enterprice from Bulgaria, and project coordinator is Save or Cancel production SRL from Romania.
Partners: Biblioteca Metropolitană București, Lente, Romexpo
Media partners: Amsterdam Street Art, Igloo, IQads, I Support Street Art, La pas prin Brașov, Litera 9,, Munteanu, Revista Atelierul, Revista Golan, The Institute, Zeppelin
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