Fierbințeanu lansează nou videoclip 2Rouru (Nothing To Come Plane)
Adori să te plângi? Ai toate motivele să te plângi? Nu ai de ce să te plângi? Nu are rost să te plângi? Avem produsul ideal exact pentru tine: 2Rouru – noul videoclip al trupei art-pop Fierbințeanu!
Videoclipul este lansat la două luni după ce piesa a devenit disponibilă online pe maxi-single-ul 2Rouru/Nothingnesslessness.
Piesa indie-dance și videoclipul au fost produse și filmate în 2022, pentru MusicBoy.
“Am dorit să facem o piesă dance-pop, în care repetiția mesajului I Have Nothing To Complain About să treacă aproape neobservată. Clipul este o declarație de amor, cu mișcări de dans self-empowering, într-o arhitectură stranie”
Fierbințeanu este o formație electronic-pop, cu activități legate de muzică, sound & video art.
Gabriela & Cristian Fierbințeanu au concertat pe scene europene, inclusiv la Berlin Konzerthaus, și au lansat discuri prin intermediul unor case de discuri independente. Lucrările lor au fost prezentate și premiate în festivaluri internaționale precum: RVK Fringe Fest (Reykjavik – Islanda 2021), Seasoning Spring (United Cowboys/Eindhoven 2021), Phonurgia Nova (Paris 2020), Grand Prix Nova (București 2020), Nuit de la fiction sonore à Arles (Franța 2019), Zilele Artelor și Științelor (St. Etienne/Franța 2019), 60 Seconds Radio (Canada 2019), Dvorak Marathon (Berlin Konzerthaus), Dvorak remix (Centrul Cultural Ceh/București).
Fierbințeanu – 2Rouru (Nothing To Come Plane)
Do you have something to complain about? There’s nothing for you to complain about? No use in complaining? Complaining is what you adore? We have the ideal product: 2Rouru – the brand new music video from art-pop band Fierbinteanu.
Based in Bruxelles, where they record their future album for MusicBoy, the group comes from Bucharest, via Paris, Berlin and Reykjavik, where their works were presented and have received awards in international festivals.
The video for “2Rouru (Nothing 2 Come Plane)” is being released two months after the song was included in the “2Rouru/Nothingnesslessness” maxi-single.
The indie-dance song and the video were produced and filmed in 2022 in Bruxelles, for MusicBoy.
“We wanted to make an ear-candy melody, in which the repetition of the message to pass almost unnoticed. The video is declaration of love, with self-empowering dance moves and post-strange architecture”
– Fierbinteanu
Fierbinteanu is an electronic-pop band, with activities related to music, sound & video art.
Gabriela & Cristian Fierbinteanu have performed on European scenes, including Berlin Konzerthaus, and released records via independent labels. Their works have been presented and awarded in international festivals: RVK Fringe Fest (Reykjavik – Iceland 2021), Seasoning Spring (United Cowboys/Eindhoven 2021), Phonurgia Nova (Paris 2020), Grand Prix Nova (Bucharest 2020), Nuit de la fiction sonore à Arles (France 2019), Arts and Science days (St. Etienne/France 2019), 60 Seconds Radio (Canada 2019), Dvorak Marathon (Berlin Konzerthaus), Dvorak remix (The Czech Cultural Center/Bucharest). The band is currently working on producing, releasing and promoting new music, aiming to reach a new audience. Future plans include performing this music live, in a theatrical manner.