Picnic Fonic Summer Camp w/ Kozo, Priku, Sit

Picnic Fonic Summer Camp

Picnic Fonic Summer Camp – line up


Dear picnicpeople,

🎡 This summer, we are taking you to dreamland. After one year without seeing you, we’re finally seeing a ray of light at the end of the tunnel. From the 23rd to the 26th of July we’re inviting you to be together again at Cabana Cumpana, a spectacular place in the heart of the mountains, right on the shore of Vidraru Lake for a joyful Picnic like we used to. Leaving the city behind, we’ll reunite in nature for three days of delight in a secured context that we’ll prepare in order to keep everyone safe and sound. We’ll keep our camp intimate, with a limited number of tickets planned to avoid putting anyone in danger. Safety measures regarding the pandemic will be taken in accord with the legislation at that time. We’ll keep you constantly informed of the conditions we’ll have to establish in order for you to attend this event. Cabana Cumpana provides us with a wonderful view, a big, cosy camping area that we’ll build for you on the shore of the lake and plenty of space where we’ll plan lots of activities both on water and in the woods for you to enjoy during your stay. The amazing line-up, art installations, bonfires and chilling areas. Care to join us for a dance?

⚕️ Admission to the event is only allowed for those who check one of the criteria below:
– Are vaccinated against the SARS-CoV-2 virus and bring a certificate proving that a minimum of 10 days have passed since the completion of the vaccination scheme;
– Present a negative PCR Test taken no longer than 72 hours before the event;
– Present a negative Rapid Antigen Test taken no longer than 24 hours before the event;
– Are between the 15th and the 90th day after being infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and bring documents proving this.
At the entrance, there will also be a space with specialized stuff where you can take a rapid antigen test for a price.

🎟 Tickets – First release – 240 RON (festival pass, camping spot and other facilities included as hot showers & flush toilets). Get yours here: Get yours here: https://www.livetickets.ro/bilete/picnic-fonic-summer-camp

✅ The tickets are flexible, meaning that you will get a full refund if the event will be cancelled due to restrictions. For those of you who bought a ticket for Picnic Fonic 2020, you can use that ticket and pay only the difference between the value of the Picnic Fonic Summer Camp ticket and your Picnic Fonic 2020 one.

Line up: Arapu, Bryz, Cap, Cezar, Charlie, Dyed, Soundorom, Gescu, Herodot, Kozo, Nuzau, Praslesh, Priku, Sepp, Sit, Sublee


🎡 Vara aceasta, dupa un an in care ne-ati lipsit atat de mult, vedem in sfarsit o raza de soare la capatul acestui tunel in care ne aflam. Va invitam de pe 23 pe 26 Iulie sa ne reunim pentru o editie speciala de Picnic Fonic la Cabana Cumpana, un loc spectaculos in inima muntilor, pe malul lacului Vidraru. Ne vom intalni in natura, departe de haosul orasului pentru cateva zile, ca o tabara, cu distractie si vibe bun. Vom pregati un line-up pe masura asteptarilor voastre, instalatii de arta si spatii de chill.
Va asteptam cu un camping mare si foarte cosy, amenajat pe malul lacului, la marginea padurii, un spatiu generos pentru a putea dansa impreuna si o serie de activitati care nu ne vor lasa sa ne plictisim. Ne vedem acolo?

⚕️ Participarea este permisa doar pentru persoanele care indeplinesc unul din criteriile de mai jos:
– Sunt vaccinate impotriva virusului SARS-CoV-2 pentru care au trecut 10 zile de la finalizarea schemei complete de vaccinare;
– Prezinta rezultatul negativ al unui test RT-PCR nu mai vechi de 72 de ore;
– Prezinta rezultatul negativ certificat al unui test antigen rapid nu mai vechi de 24 de ore;
– Se afla in perioada cuprinsa intre a 15-a zi și a 90-a zi ulterioară confirmarii infectarii cu SARS-CoV-2 si detin documente doveditoare in aceasta privinta.
De asemenea, la intrare, va fi disponibila testarea rapida antigen contracost intr-un spatiu special amenajat de catre noi conform metodologiei in vigoare.

🎟 Bilete – First release – 240 RON: https://www.livetickets.ro/bilete/picnic-fonic-summer-camp

*biletul include accesul în zona de festival, loc de campare, dușuri cu apa calda și toalete cu apa curenta.

✅ Biletele de access sunt flexibile, in cazul in care evenimentul nu va avea loc din cauza restrictiilor, valoarea biletelor va fi returnata catre voi.
Cei care au achizitionat un bilet pentru Picnic Fonic 2020, il vor putea folosi, urmand sa achitati doar diferenta dintre valoarea biletului pentru Picnic Fonic Dream Camp si cea a biletului pentru Picnic Fonic 2020.

❗️Avand in vedere perioada pe care o traversam, locatia, si faptul ca ne dorim sa organizam un eveniment cochet si aerisit biletele puse in vanzare o sa fie in numar limitat. Evenimentul va fi organizat in acord cu prevederile legislative de la acel moment. Va vom informa constant in legatura cu conditiile pe care va trebui sa le impunem pentru a putea organiza acest eveniment.

Revenim curand cu mai multe detalii! 

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