We’re back in the mountains @Vuiet 3.0
COSMJN, LIZZ, Mihai Pol, Macarie, lixir , Petrutt, Bogdan Andrei, Patrascu, Deez, Manéfiu, Cetățeanu, Bronson RO, Treptat, Alexandru Lungu (Harap), Marz b2b Lexta, TAT
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Cazare se va face la pensiunile din apropiere. Transport asigurat de la cazare la eveniment (contra cost).
Dispunem de loc pentru amplasare cort, exista toalete ecologice dar nu si dusuri.
Accesul cu mancare si bautura din afara locatiei este interzis.
Accesul in cabana este permis doar celor din staff.
Autoturismele se pot parca în apropierea evenimentului.
Vuiet 3.0 este un eveniment privat.
Evenimentul se adresează persoanelor peste 18 ani.
Accommodation will be made at the nearby cabins. Transport provided from accommodation to the event (for a fee).
We have room for tent placement, there are ecological toilets but no showers.
Access with food and drinks from outside the premises is prohibited.
Access to the cabin is allowed only to the staff.
The cars can be parked near the event.
Vuiet 3.0 is a private event.
The event is addressed to people over 18 years.
Google Map Location: https://goo.gl/maps/is5ZM66dL9z
Sound: Funktion One