#FLUID 18+ (music video)

#FLUID 18+ music video

Watch 18+ the new music video produced by #FLUID

Enjoy the new music video released by #FLUID. Inspired by the poetry of Matthew Yeager’s poem “A jar of balloons or the uncooked rice” and by some of Borusiade‘s lyrics, Paul Dunca/Paula Dunker remix a few ideas in a new context. With this occasion, 18+ opens the discussion about difficult moments in life and thoughts that we usually want to forget or prefer not to talk openly about. The story is amplified by the sounds produced by Alex Bălă that trigger a deep melancholic feeling and emotion. Matthew Yaeger

The video crew, BHM (Black Horse Mansion), did a magnificent job, putting together images with #FLUID filmed in their real life with fragments of videos from their live performances.


#FLUID (born 2016) – a queer act based in Bucharest – is the collaboration between Paul Dunca/Paula Dunker (performer, choreographer, playwright), Alex Bălă (musician) and other warped creatures. Using sound, music and a microphone as weapons against civic neutrality, #FLUID started the techno-faggothique neo-genre. The duo’s live appearances include very diverse scenes and events as: MACAZ – Bar Teatru Coop., POINT – Theatre, Apollo111Sala Dalles for Eco Delta Dunării Project, Street Delivery 2016, Bucharest Pride 2016, Nicodim Gallery, Queer Night, Voila Psychiatric Hospital (for the project ”Normality, Such a Brutal Word !” – MNAC), CAPITOL Summer Theatre 2016 + 2017, Amural Festival 2017 + 2018 (Brașov), ArtHub, the exhibition WE WILL NOT CHANGE OUR SHOW, One Gallery (Sofia), and two weddings.

Video: BHM (Black Horse Mansion) feat Paula Dunker
Additional footage: Andrei Alexandru Burcea
Lyrics: Matthew Yeager & Borusiade




#FLUID (n.2016) – un queer act bucureștean – este colaborarea dintre Paul Dunca/Paula Dunker (performer, coregraf, dramaturg),  Alex Bălă (muzician) și alte creaturi strâmbe. Folosind sunetul, muzica și microfonul ca armă împotriva neutralității civice, #FLUID se încadrează în neo-genul techno-faggothique. Aparițiile live ale duo-ului includ scene și evenimente cât mai diverse: MACAZ – Bar Teatru Coop., Teatrul POINTApollo111, Sala Dalles în cadrul proiectului Eco Delta Dunării, Street Delivery 2016, Bucharest Pride 2016, Nicodim Gallery, Queer Night, Spitalul de Psihiatrie Voila (pentru proiectul ”Normalitatea, ce cuvânt brutal!” – MNAC), Teatrul de Vară CAPITOL, Amural Festival 2017 + 2018 (Brașov), ArtHub, expoziția WE WILL NOT CHANGE OUR SHOW, One Gallery (Sofia) și două nunți.

1 thought on “#FLUID 18+ (music video)”

  1. Pingback: Citește statement-ul lui Paul(a) Dunca despre concertul performativ #FLUID @ MNAC

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