UR.BASM Festival @ București
29 Noiembrie – 4 Decembrie, 21:00
:: Information posted in Romanian, followed by English. ::
Capitolul I: UR.BASM
Domni și domnițe,
Invitați de seamă de pretutindeni,
Si artiști din toate urbele țării,
UR.BASM este noul festival de muzică și întâmplări urbane la care vă invitam să luați parte în perioada 29 noiembrie și 4 decembrie.
Pentru prima poveste am pregătit o serie de evenimente muzicale înșirate pe parcursul celor 5 nopți, care se vor desfășura în diverse locații din orașul București, iar pe timp de zi vă așteaptă o serie de surprize.
UR.BASM lansează o platformă de activități, cultural-artistice, desfășurate în numeroase spații pe parcusul celor 6 zile și 6 nopți, care cuprinde:
– Graffiti și street art
– Artă murală
– Ateliere de arhitectură și design
– Ateliere de modă
– Videomapping
– Sculptură
– Atelier de artă digitală
– Workshop producție și management muzical
– Instalații urbane
– Expoziții de fotografie
– Conferințe
– Dans contemporan
– Concurs de breakdance
– Evenimente de muzică live și muzică electronică
Abelle / Acronym / Alex Danilov / Alienata / Andrei/ Andrey Zots
Aquarius Heaven / Barac / Ben Klock / Borusiade / Cap / Cassy
Chlorys / Cobblestone Jazz (live) / Daniel Maher / Dasha Redkina
Detroit Swindle / D. Rusu / Dub Pistols (live band)
Dutu / Floog (live) / Francesca Lombardo / Francesco Del Garda
Francesco Tristano (live) / Fred P aka Black Jazz Consortium/ Fumiya Tanaka / Gaiser (live) Gemini Brothers / Guti (live) / Heartthrob / Herodot / Inga Mauer / Ion Ludwig / John Digweed / Julian Perez / K!d Chriss / Kidnap Kid / Kosta /
Livio & Roby /Loco Dice / Luger / Mahony / Mark Broom /
Mathew Jonson (live) / Mihigh / Mirror States / Moodymann / Moonlight Breakfast / Negru / Nick Hoppner / Nusha / October / Orgue Electronique (live) Oscar and The Wolf / Paul Popa /
Petre Inspirescu / Phoung Dan / Piticu / Premiesku (live) / Priku / Profet / Ranishe Niyaak / Raresh / Rayo / Romansoff / Sasha / Seuil / SNTS (live) / Sonodab / TC80 / Todd Terry / ToFu Productions (Thomas Melchior + Fumiya Tanaka) / Vlada / Waldeck / Wareika (live) / Xandru / Zendid / ПEГE
– Biletele Early Bird s-au epuizat. Mai poti cumpara doar biletele individuale pentru fiecare seara de event.
– Biletele se pot cumpara de pe http://tickets.urbasm.ro/
+ Biletele puse la vanzare sunt in numar limitat. Daca nu reusesti sa prinzi unul, vei putea sa cumperi si direct de la intrare.
+ Biletele cumparate in avans iti asigura accesul la toate evenimentele din timpul noptii.
+ Biletele sunt in format electronic si vor fi livrate pe mail imediat dupa achizitionarea lor. Nu este necesar sa le printezi si iti recomandam sa le prezinti direct de pe telefon.
Evenimentele din timpul noptii vor avea loc la:
– ROMEXPO (halele C5 si C6) va fi locatia principala a festivalului.
– KRISTAL CLUB ( Kristal Club )
– GUESTHOUSE (Club Guesthouse)
– KRAN (Kran)
Evenimentele din timpul zilei vor avea loc la:
– Centrul Cinetic din cadrul UNATC (CINETic )
– DESCHIS Gastrobar (fostul Atelier de Productie)
– CZVL 12 ( Open Minds )
In serile muzicale de la ROMEXPO STAGE 1 si KRISTAL CLUB vom amenaja cate o zona de mese; pentru rezervari le puteti contacta pe colegele noastre:
– Betty 0722.795.184
– Mirela 0722.592.550
Ladies and gentlemen,
Distinguished guests from all over the world,
And artists from all the urban areas of the country,
UR.BASM is a new music and urban happenings festival at which we are inviting you to take part between the 29th of November and 4th of December.
The first story is made of a series of musical events beaded along 5 nights, events that will unwind in different locations from Bucharest, and during day time you will find yourself in the middle of some surprises.
UR.BASM launches a platform of cultural-artistic activities which are held along the 6 days and nights in different locations. The activities are:
– Graffiti and street art
– Mural art
– Architecture and design workshops
– Fashion workshops
– Video-mapping
– Sculpture
– Digital art workshop
– Production and music management workshop
– Urban installation
– Photography exposition
– Conferences
– Contemporary dance
– Break-dance contest
– Electronic music and live music events
We got together a cool gang of artists for this edition:
Abelle / Acronym / Alex Danilov / Alienata / Andrei/ Andrey Zots
Aquarius Heaven / Barac / Ben Klock / Borusiade / Cap / Cassy
Chlorys / Cobblestone Jazz (live) / Daniel Maher / Dasha Redkina
Detroit Swindle / D. Rusu / Dub Pistols (live band)
Dutu / Floog (live) / Francesca Lombardo / Francesco Del Garda
Francesco Tristano (live) / Fred P aka Black Jazz Consortium/ Fumiya Tanaka / Gaiser (live) Gemini Brothers / Guti (live) / Heartthorb (live) / Herodot / Inga Mauer / Ion Ludwig / John Digweed / Julian Perez / K!d Chriss / Kidnap Kid / Kosta /
Livio & Roby /Loco Dice / Luger / Mahony / Mark Broom /
Mathew Jonson (live) / Mihigh / Mirror States / Moodymann / Moonlight Breakfast / Negru / Nick Hoppner / Nusha / October / Orgue Electronique (live) Oscar and The Wolf / Paul Popa /
Petre Inspirescu / Phoung Dan / Piticu / Premiesku (live) / Priku / Profet / Ranishe Niyaak / Raresh / Rayo / Romansoff / Sasha / Seuil / SNTS (live) / Sonodab / TC80 / Todd Terry / ToFu Productions (Thomas Melchior + Fumiya Tanaka) / Vlada / Waldeck / Wareika (live) / Xandru / Zendid / ПEГE
– The Early Bird tickets are sold out. You can still buy tickets for each individual event.
– You can buy the tickets from http://tickets.urbasm.ro/
+ Tickets sold in advance are in a limited number. If you don’t manage to get one, you will be able to get one at the door.
+ The early bird tickets will allow you to enter ALL the events that are taking place during night time.
+ The tickets come in electronic format and they will be delivered via e-mail right after their purchase. Please bring your ticket printed/downloaded on your phone.
The night time events will take place:
– ROMEXPO (the main location of the festival)
Evenimentele din timpul zilei vor avea loc la:
– Cinetic Center
– DESCHIS Gastrobar (former Atelier de Productie)
– DjSuperStore
– Atelier Pinion
– Corner Shop
– CZVL 12 ( Open Minds )
For the nights at ROMEXPO STAGE 1 and KRISTAL CLUB we will set an area for tables and bottle service; for reservations please call:
– Betty +40722.795.184
– Mirela +40722.592.550
Info: www.urbasm.ro
Tickets: http://tickets.urbasm.ro/
Press: press@urbasm.ro
Contact: contact@urbasm.ro
:: A fun venture by SUNRISE & Kristal Club ::