Gui Boratto – “Déjeuner Sur L’Herbe” (CIOZ & Fairplay and Johannes Albert remixes) [Zatar Music]

Gui Boratto

The veteran Brazilian producer Gui Boratto has always had a way with musicality and drama in his music.

This EP for Zatar displays a lot of the things we have come to expect from him – rich instrumentation, lots of melody, and a deep, emotional take on dance music.

The original version Déjeuner Sur L’Herbe combines a chugging groove with pianos, guitars and thick bass – a full movie sound- track in one piece.

CIOZ and Fairplay provide the remix duties for the 2nd version, teasing out the elements over 8 and a half minutes, and twisting it into a psychedelic epic.

Johannes Albert also provides a rework, dialling into a more machine funk vibe while letting the groove breathe.

01. Déjeuner Sur L’Herbe
02. Déjeuner Sur L’Herbe (CIOZ & Fairplay Remix)
03. Déjeuner Sur L’Herbe (Johannes Albert Remix)

Out now on Phonique’s Zatar Music – get it here!

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