După un al doilea an electrizant, Sea Dance Festival se întoarce la cea mai frumoasă plajă din Europa, între 14 si 17 Iulie 2016 cu mai mult de 100 artişti renumiţi pe 7+ scene. Dacă artiştii din 2015 – The Prodigy, Rudimental şi Roisin Murphy– te-au încântat, aşteaptă bunătăţile din anul ăsta.
Votat „Best European Medium-Sized Festival”, Sea Dance a dovedit mult, într-un termen scurt (2 ani). Situat pe plaja Jaz, catalogată „Europe’s Best Beach” de Lonely Planet pentru golfurile largi cu nisip, priveliştea pitorească a munţilor, ţărmurile verzi şi locaţia din apropierea oraşului istoric Budva din Muntenegru – face o gazdă ideală pentru multitudinea de artişti internaţionali. 110.000 de mii de vizitatori au călcat pe frumoasa plajă Jaz pentru a fi martori unui spectacol vitual şi auditiv de excepţie. Sea Dance a adăugat 300.000 de vizitatori la Exit Adventure, un pachet unic de două festivaluri, aflate în ţări învecinate, al cărui predecesor este renumitul festival Exit din Serbia.
After an electric second year the award-winning Sea Dance Festival is set to return to the most beautiful beach in Europe, between 14th and 17th July 2016 with performances from more that 100 world renowned artists on 7+ stages. If 2015’s headliners-The Prodigy, Rudimental and Roisin Murphy– thrilled you, wait for this year goodies.
Voted „Best European Medium-Sized Festival”, Sea Dance has proven much within just two short years. Situated on Jaz beach named „Europe’s Best Beach” by Lonely Planet for its long sandy cove and picturesque mountains, white, turquoise and green shoreline and it’s location near the historic town of Budva in Montenegro – it makes an ideal host for an array of world-class performers. 110.000 visitors descended on beautiful Jaz Beach to witness a visual and audible feast. Sea Dance added up to 300.000 visitors to the Exit Adventure, a unique festival holiday package comprised of two festivals in two neighbouring countries, whose first part is the globally acclaimed Exit Festival in Serbia.
Together with Exit Festival (7-10 July 2016), Sea Dance part of record breaking EXIT Adventure, world’s most unique festival package which has become the best festival holiday on the planet that spans over 10 days! This amazing package combines two award-winning festivals at two spectacular locations in two neighbouring countries, which proved last year to be a success formula that attracted 300.000 people from 60+ countries who have travelled from magical Petrovaradin Fortress in Serbia to stunning Jaz Beach in Montenegro.
Book your tickets and camping pass here:
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