Exit Festival 2016 @ Petrovaradinska, Novi Sad

EXIT Festival 2016



EXIT este un festival estival premiat, de muzică. A fost oficial proclamat ca Best Major Festival” în 2013, cu ajutorul voturilor a 620.000 de oameni de pe tot globul.

Mai mult de 2,7 milioane de oameni din peste 60 de ţări din jurul lumii au vizitat festivalul până acum. Este unic printre festivaluri datorită punctului lui de plecare şi anume de la o mişcare studenţească care lupta pentru pace şi democraţie în Serbia şi Balcani. Chiar şi astăzi, EXIT are o puternică misiune socială, de a ajuta tinerii din Balcani. Este condus de o organizaţie non-profit.

Exit Magic Adventure 2016 prezintă două festivaluri în două ţări şi două locaţii spectaculoase! De la fortăreaţa magică din Novi Sad la cea mai bună plajă europeană (Lonely Planet)!




EXIT is an award-winning summer music festival. It was officially proclaimed as the Best Major Festival” in 2013, with the help of 620.000 votes all over the world.

More than 2,7 milion people from over 60 countries around the world have visited the festival so far. It is unique in the festival world as it started as a student movement fighting for peace and democracy in Serbia and the Balkans. Even today, EXIT has a strong social mission to help youth in Balkans and it is runed by a non-profit organisation.

Exit Magic Adventure 2016 presents two festivals in two countries at two spectacular locations! From the magical fortress in Novi Sad to the Best European beach by Lonely Planet! 

EXIT – July 7-10, Petrovaradin Fortress /// Novi Sad, Serbia
SEA DANCE FESTIVAL – July 14-16, Jaz Beach /// Budva, Montenegro

Exit Festival (7-10 July 2016), combined with its seaside sister Sea Dance festival (14-16 July 2016), makes for a world’s most unique festival package which has become the best festival holiday on the planet that spans over 10 days! This amazing package combines two award-winning festivals at two spectacular locations in two neighbouring countries, which proved last year to be a success formula that attracted 300.000 people from 60+ countries who have travelled from magical Petrovaradin Fortress in Serbia to stunning Jaz Beach in Montenegro.

Promo tickets on sale now: www.exitfest.org/en/tickets
You can save up to 60% from the final ticket price in July.

Promo tickets for Exit Festival are available at the special price of £79+b/f
Exit Adventure promo tickets go for £99+b/f.
EXIT Adventure VIP Gold Ticket for £250.00 +b/f
EXIT Festival VIP Gold Ticket for £250.00 +b/f.

Exit Adventure Packages including tickets for Exit and Sea Dance festivals, round trip flights, shuttle and camps go from £399; Exit Package goes from £349 and Sea Dance Package including Sea Dance festival ticket, flights, shuttle and camp goes from £319.

All tourist information, including accommodation and transport to and from Novi Sad as well as to and from Budva, you can find at www.exittrip.org/en
For all other important and interesting questions and answers, please write us at answerme@exitfest.org.

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