Track Club is an international music collective whose worldwide membership produces tracks on a bi-weekly basis from near-real-time jams created using collaborative, multi-platform live looping software called Endlesss [].
“INTENSITY 02″ is a focused selection of high-energy dance tracks which have resulted from Track Club’s unique collaborative process.
“INTENSITY 02” gathers tracks by artists from all over the world, like adriandz, Ludi, Dan Sorce, oddSTAR, Dead Kousin, de Velden, Mlilley and von, who put together their talent and their passion to give life to this interesting project.
Out now on the digital stores, don’t miss it!
This article is published in the October-November 2022 edition of the online magazine.
ISSN 2734 – 5637 | ISSN-L 2734 – 5637
Revistă / publicație culturală finanțată cu sprijinul Ministerului Culturii.
Magazine / cultural publication financed with the support of the Ministry of Culture.
Opinions belong to the authors and do not represent the position of the online magazine or the Ministry of Culture.