feeder sound 309 mixed by Anaid

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feeder sound 309 mixed by Anaid

Music, vibrations, movement, emotions. Anaid, our guest selector for this episode of our podcast series, captures this graceful connection through sounds translated into modern rhythms and textures.

Producer, DJ, vocalist, lover of jazz, blues, poetry and old music, Anaid is the creative side of Diana, transposed into sound. Her journey in the electronic music world started in 2014 when her feature track with Nikolas Noam titled “Falling” (released on Cimelde Records/Armada Music) became a success. Ever since that moment, she dedicated her time to her true passion: music. Focusing on patience with a positive mindset, her work as a DJ reflects her personality, slowly building up momentum, never rushing things and letting the ambience be the main element.

Throughout time, Anaid played at different clubs in Bucharest, Constanta, Oradea, Bacau, Petrosani, Sibiu and also for Radio Romania and Ibiza Global Radio. Her productions reflect her positive philosophy, with minimal, dub and deep influences combined in order to create her personal sound, healing souls and moving bodies. She released tracks and remixes on DubGestion, DeepTech Records, Tzinah, HDR Limit, Pulsar Music, Defora Records, Minimadelic Records and Dul Recordings.

“Many people don’t know or don’t realize it, but music is a catalyst for emotions. Music can absorb and transmit what we’ve felt at some point in our lives. In other words, music is an emotional bridge between a person and the world, influencing and conducting our perception. Maybe that’s why I don’t have “my own style”. I’m always inspired by emotions. After a good book, after a great movie, after a breakup, after a good party and so on. I can create something dark with an aggressive beat and granular effects or placing a simple pad with some piano notes in the back of a track, can intensify our inner thoughts and make us live the depth of our emotions. Just imagine the number of people listening to the same track or set, but at the same time in a different moment of their lives with a different perspective about life, what a great feeling :)”


feeder sound 309 mixed by Anaid reveals an introspective and engaging narrative that twists and turns through various shades of minimal, microhouse, ambient, breaks and mysterious personal touches. The transitions provide an organic flow of energy, elegantly incorporating all the deep flavours needed for this recording to take you on an inspiring journey for the mind, body and spirit. Adjust the volume of your speakers and enjoy!

Our latest vinyl-only release “Transmisiune Intergalactică” EP by Oana ships from 17 June at deejay.de so save the date and make sure this record ends up in your bag! Listen to the snippets on soundcloud.

Anaid on facebook | soundcloud | bandcamp
feeder sound on soundcloud | feeder.ro

Words by AndreiB

About feeder sound

feeder sound is a showcase of local and international talent alike, comprised of DJ sets and fresh tunes meticulously curated in a sound collection that promotes mutual recognition and cultural exchange between musicians worldwide. Visit the project’s pages, feeder soundEP reviews and exclusive premiere to find out more about the current and future activities.

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