Sunwaves Festival SW27 – Spring Edition
UPDATE (June 3):
Our national situation is gradually getting better but caution is still a mandatorily imposed trait for these times. As we previously mentioned, all the performances and public events in Romania have been cancelled since March and that pushed our 1st set date (30.04-05.05) to be postponed for June, 25-30.
Although we kept being hopeful for an optimistic happening, Sunwaves 27 can’t take place in a safe manner during this summer, even if the state of emergency passed for two weeks s already. Sunwaves has always been about personal experiences and joy while the following months are all about staying safe and avoid large gatherings.
Needless to say, this is the first time we have ever skipped an edition and that brings us an inevitable hard heart but also a guarantee that the next edition will deliver more excitement than ever.
We can’t wait to have you back on the beach!
Ticket situation and options:
You will be able to keep the ticket for Sunwaves 27 for any edition of this year or 2021. In addition, at the access point, you will get in possession of a consumption voucher to use inside the festival, worth 20 Euros (Food and drinks).
Take your time and let us know when you decide on what edition you want to participate. We will gladly provide you with a new ticket for the new date of your choice.
Please message us on @sunwaves fb page or at with the following information:
1. ticket order ID (you can find it on your live tickets account or in your inbox).
*if you have more than 1 ticket bought and you want to change each of them let us know exactly what edition you prefer.
2. what period of time suits you better.
: SW28 (4-8 September 2020)
: SW29 ( 29.04-04.05 of 2021)
: SW30 (early September 2021)
3. Full name and email address where we can send the new ticket.
Thanks to all of you for the support!
– Sunwaves team
Sunwaves Festival is reaching its 14th year of everlasting memories and faithful friends for a 27th edition. Sunwaves Festival SW27.
Sunwaves Festival ::: SW27 – Spring Edition ::: will take place in Mamaia Nord, Constanta, starting Thursday 25th of June, ending on the following Wednesday, on the 30th of June.
Early Bird Ticket link:
General access is available from 30.04 (23:00PM) until 04.05 (17:00 PM). Make sure you validate your ticket and receive your festival wristband until the given time.
Tickets sold in advance are in a limited number.
We are responsible just for the tickets bought from our shop Don’t let yourself scammed.
Please keep the wristband intact throughout the festival. With the wristband, you will have access to all the night time & daytime parties. You will be asked to pay again if you damage, lose or transfer the wristband.
Book your VIP Table at:
For those in need for rides to/from Mamaia, Constanta, here are a few tips:
Kristal Club –
SUNWAVES – A fun venture of SUNRISE & Kristal Club