Crepuscular | Daytime on the Beyfin Roof
Let’s welcome the good weather with a #OPENAIR party on the terrace of the Hotel Beyfin, an incredible #ROOFTOP located in the center of Cluj-Napoca and with wonderful views of our beloved city.
Music by:
Pavlov –
An electronic music addict, a dreamer and a sound enthusiast
Horatiu S –
In seturile sale se regasesc mereu sound-uri dezvoltate pe ritmuri bine alese cu o tonalitate pozitiva, aplicand diferite tehnici dobandite de-a lungul carierei sale.
Medeea –
Trying to make a musical narative with each play, I am exploring from sounds of disco to house, always spycing my story with some soul and jazz.
Sound by: SOUND 36
After | from 23:00 | Pub
Tickets Soon