Incognito’s Back To The Future 3 : Akufen/Piticu/Sublee/Invers
-Hey Morty!?
-yes, Rick?
-Have you been playing again with the A.I? I told u it’s not a toy, you can start a serious thing, Morty! millions could die Morty! it’s not a thing you can mess around with Morty, why is it not working…?
-jeez, Rick, I don’t know, you programmed it to keep me safe, but it malfunction and shut off ..ow jeeez…
-Buuuurp, are you certain? didn’t you watch Interdimensional Porn? I caught you several times, you know how interdimensional viruses get caught ..let me check the Microverse Battery
-Mo…..burp, Morty I found what’s wrong Morty, we must get inside the battery, they’re having a party there, it’s a blast, everyone is there Morty
-owwww Jeeez, I need to finish my homework
-No time Morty! We are going there to sort it up
“science fiction sounds ”
What does it say there, Morty?!
Back to the future 3:
We will be back with more info