TzinahShowcase w. Love from Vid, Primarie, Metafore
Because gatherings like ours are magical and refreshing because it’s the event where you meet all your good friends because good vibes have to be experienced in togetherness. We are all up for this kind of social meetings where we can be ourselves, open up to new people and listen to fractalized and mesmerising Romanian minimal house DJ sets from new, up-and-coming and established artists.
Putting together a refined lineup for each event, taking care of the overall atmosphere and good vibes, displaying mind-blowing visuals that fit perfect to our main element: the charismatic and groovy sound of Tzinah Records
This is how we deliver every performance, with love of our artists for the sound and the people involved. Come and see for yourself, feel the vibes at #TzinahShowcase. From Tzinah With Love!We are a community agency. Tzinah Family‘s purpose is to unite and get together DJs and minds alike and share throughout this platform our commitment and dedication to the creation of music and events that are, made with love, and can, shift frequencies to the highest, inside every attendant. Tzinah Family is composed by some of the DJs who participated at one of our Tzinah Showcases. Lineup:
Putting together a refined lineup for each event, taking care of the overall atmosphere and good vibes, displaying mind-blowing visuals that fit perfect to our main element: the charismatic and groovy sound of Tzinah Records
This is how we deliver every performance, with love of our artists for the sound and the people involved. Come and see for yourself, feel the vibes at #TzinahShowcase. From Tzinah With Love!We are a community agency. Tzinah Family‘s purpose is to unite and get together DJs and minds alike and share throughout this platform our commitment and dedication to the creation of music and events that are, made with love, and can, shift frequencies to the highest, inside every attendant. Tzinah Family is composed by some of the DJs who participated at one of our Tzinah Showcases. Lineup:
visuals: alterTickets: 20 lei <00:00> 30 lei
Location: INSIDE BAR BUSTENI GPS: 45.420405, 25.525702
● cu autoturismul propriu pe DN1 (E60), apoi urmati indicatoarele catre partia Kalinderu, sau intrebati localnicii aflati in zona.
● cu trenul pe magistrala feroviara Bucuresti-Brasov, la statia Busteni –
● cu autocarul/ microbus pana in Busteni –
● ride sharing: / carpooling ro
● TAXI in Busteni – de la Gara CFR Busteni
● Nr. taxi recomandat – 0735.340.044 si 0721.642.507
Pensiunea Kalinder (langa locatia Inside) – 0767.842.116
Casa Frida (localizata la 5 minute de mers pe jos) -0723 653 520 ; 0766 759 252
CPPI (10 minute de mers pe jos) – 0244.321.034; 0244.320.867
Vila Cristina (5 minute de mers pe jos) – 0244.320.864; 0723.631.499
NU sunt recomandate plimbarile nocturne. In zona sunt prezente animale salbatice specifice zonei de munte: lupi, ursi, etc.
Ne rezervam dreptul de a ne selecta clientii.
Persoanelor aflate deja in stare de ebrietate li se va refuza accesul.
Nu se permite accesul cu bautura din afara locatiei.
Consumati alcool cu moderatie.
NU conduceti daca ati consumat bauturi alcoolice!
Fumatul este permis in spatiile special amenajate in perimetrul locatiei si pe terasa.
visuals: alterTickets: 20 lei <00:00> 30 lei
Location: INSIDE BAR BUSTENI GPS: 45.420405, 25.525702
● cu autoturismul propriu pe DN1 (E60), apoi urmati indicatoarele catre partia Kalinderu, sau intrebati localnicii aflati in zona.
● cu trenul pe magistrala feroviara Bucuresti-Brasov, la statia Busteni –
● cu autocarul/ microbus pana in Busteni –
● ride sharing: / carpooling ro
● TAXI in Busteni – de la Gara CFR Busteni
● Nr. taxi recomandat – 0735.340.044 si 0721.642.507
Pensiunea Kalinder (langa locatia Inside) – 0767.842.116
Casa Frida (localizata la 5 minute de mers pe jos) -0723 653 520 ; 0766 759 252
CPPI (10 minute de mers pe jos) – 0244.321.034; 0244.320.867
Vila Cristina (5 minute de mers pe jos) – 0244.320.864; 0723.631.499
NU sunt recomandate plimbarile nocturne. In zona sunt prezente animale salbatice specifice zonei de munte: lupi, ursi, etc.
Ne rezervam dreptul de a ne selecta clientii.
Persoanelor aflate deja in stare de ebrietate li se va refuza accesul.
Nu se permite accesul cu bautura din afara locatiei.
Consumati alcool cu moderatie.
NU conduceti daca ati consumat bauturi alcoolice!
Fumatul este permis in spatiile special amenajate in perimetrul locatiei si pe terasa.