TEDxBucharest Live / Open Mic @ Grand Entertainment
27 Aprilie, 16:00
Mark your calendars for the first TEDxBucharest event of 2017!
TEDxBucharestLive – Open Mic is the first of the series, concentrated around the idea of YOU. Join us for an event where we will explore the most pressing questions of our time and imagine what our shared future might look like. Be part of the TED 2017 experience through a live broadcast of the event in Vancouver and also take notes and exchange ideas with possible next TED speakers!
The Open Mic challenge is an excellent opportunity for everyone and anyone who possess an “idea worth sharing” to present it in front of an audience of TED enthusiasts and former TEDxBucharest Speakers.
With 3 minutes at hand, about a dozen presenters will share with you their beliefs, concepts or conclusions, without any slides or supporting imagery. At the end of the event, you will get to vote the next candidates on the shortlist for a speech at the big 2017 TEDxBucharest conference!
Learn all the details and register here if you think you’re up for the challenge: http://bit.ly/TEDxOpenMic
The future waits for no man, so what are you waiting for? Book your seats today and prepare to start building the future, start building the better you!
[Mic drop]