Closing Party @ Templum

Closing Party @ Templum

Closing Party @ Templum

Closing Party @ Templum
8 Mai, 23:00

SIT [Amphia]
SIT a fost format si modelat acum mai multi ani, cu mult inainte ca Cristi Cons si Vlad Caia sa intemeieze label-ul Amphia, acum 7 release-uri. Amandoi fiind artisti foarte talentati, au creat acest proiect pentru a extinde creativitatea lor si pentru a uni publicul lor cantand impreuna. De la aparitia primului release, intitulat “Year3000”, duo-ul a lansat multe piese atat solo, cat si impreuna, oferind de asemenea multe momente de neuitat pentru cei ce au asistat la o interpretare al lor de-a lungul anilor.

Raha – Tokyo, Japan
Rareori vei gasi un artist atat de underground ca Raha, care a ridicat stacheta clubbingului la un nivel profesional foarte inalt, in special in Tokyo. Luand o abordare axata pe ringul de dans, acesta lucreaza in idea ca muzica adevarata apartine unui singur loc, care nu este nici Internetul, nici scenele VIP, ci intre oamenii care danseaza ore in sir. De asemenea, acesta a lansat proiectul Beat in Me, care a adus la Tokyo artisti precum Rhadoo si Petre Inspirescu.

Emi [Contur]
Emi, Emi Nescu sau Visullucid. Multe alias-uri, in schimb sunetul lui este singulara si unica. Acesta livreaza seturi si piese de calitate reala in mod foarte discret, facand ca timpul sa curga mai incet pentru a putea intelege peisajul ireal ce ni-l ofera fara a pierde din substanta, transmitand o experienta foarte interesanta. Acesta si-a intemeiat si propriul label, Contur. Primele doua release-uri sunt semnate de el insusi si suntem siguri ca vor urma multe altele.

Stefan Nicu aka Sublee este unul dintre cei mai promitatori artisti tineri din Romania, care te va cuceri cu siguranta cu prespectiva lui despre muzica underground. Fiind in Constanta, unde se desfasoara festivalul nostrum preferat, Sunwaves, Sublee a devenit rapid unul dintre cei mai cautati artisti datorita sunetului sau inedit. Fiind parte si din Delooped Records, Stefan devine un producator din ce in ce mai bun, ceea ce ne face si mai nerabdatori sa-l ascultam.

Costin Rp
Si desigur, alaturi de noi va fi si Costin RP, un artist care reprezinta cu adevarat ce inseamna spiritul Templum. Un producator de succes, care a lansat piese la label-uri precum What You Want, Subtil sau BodyParts, acesta este si un DJ experimentat care aduce vibe-ul perfect pentru un asemenea event.

Nu in ultimul rand, Prepeleac se va alatura celor amintiti mai sus, un artist de pe scena Clujului, un oras fascinant. Un DJ ce a cantat alaturi de Bella Sarris sau K!D Chriss, acesta va performa si la festivalul Electric Castle. Suntem foarte fericiti ca putem sa-i oferim debutul in Bucuresti.

Club Templum
Str. Calea Mosilor nr.91, Bucuresti
More info: 0726.942.792

Intrare: 30 de lei

artwork by Vision 101
soundsystem: Funktion One

Parteneri Media: Bucharest Loves Deep // PartyTrckr // //  // // Bucharest Concept

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SIT was formed and shaped more than a few years ago, long before Cristi Cons and Vlad Caia has started their own label, Amphia, about 7 releases ago. Both of them being truly talented artists, they created this project where they can expand their creativity and audience by performing together. Since the 2010 release of “Year3000”, the duo released many top-class materials, both solo and alongside as SIT, as well as offering incredible journeys to the people who listened to them along the years.

Rarely you’ll find an artist as underground as Raha, who has taken the clubbing to such a professional level in Tokyo. Taking a totally floor-centric approach, he works with the belief that real music belongs only to one single place, which is neither the Internet, nor in VIP areas in club, but rather on the dance floor. Also, the creator of Beat in Me, one of Tokyo’s most successful club project, he invited artists such as Rhadoo or Petre Inspirescu to play at his parties.

Emi, Emi Nescu or Visullucid, he has many names, but his sound is sole and unique. Delivering music sessions and tracks of real quality in a subdued way, Emi makes the time flow slower and brings you to a surreal landscape without losing any substance, offering you a very interesting experience. Founding his own label, Contur, the first two releases are signed by him and we are very sure that there are many more to come.

Stefan Nicu aka Sublee is one of the most interesting young Romanian artists, whom will definitely conquer you with his perspective of underground music. Living in Constanta, where our most beloved festival, Sunwaves occurs, Sublee rapidly became one of the most booked artists in Bucharest also because of his uprising sound. Also being part of Delooped Records, Stefan is becoming a better and better producer, which makes us even more eager to listen to him.

And of course, we will also bring you Costin RP, an artist that is a synonym for the spirit that represents Templum. A successful producer with many releases on labels such as What you Want, Subtil or BodyParts, he is also an experienced DJ who has the perfect vibe for such an event.

Last, but not least, Prepeleac is an upcoming artist belonging to the scene of Cluj, an exquisite city. Having already played alongside artists like Bella Sarris or K!D Chriss, he will also play at the Electric Castle festival. We are very happy to be able to offer him is debut in Bucharest.

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