Google Zeitgeist 2008


Google a facut public raportul anual intitulat “Zeitgeist“:

As the year comes to a close, it’s time to look at the big events, memorable moments and emerging trends that captivated us in 2008. As it happens, studying the aggregation of the billions of search queries that people type into the Google search box gives us a glimpse into the zeitgeist — the spirit of the times. We’ve compiled some of the highlights from Google searches around the globe and hope you enjoy looking back as much as we do.

Mi se pare fascinant cati oameni pot cauta pe google “facebook login”. Inteleg ca e bine pentru Facebook, ca traficul e in crestere si se zvoneste ca-s reteaua sociala care gazduieste cele mai multe poze de exemplu, dar nu inteleg de ce userii nu pot memora naibii adresa sau nu stiu cu bookmarkuit-ul.
Mi se pare doar mie ceva ciudat aici? Eh, wisdom of the crowds they say…


1 thought on “Google Zeitgeist 2008”

  1. Nu doar tie ti se pare ciudat faptul ca apare facebook in topul celor mai cautate pe google, e o chestie care ai afecteaza pe multi dintre internauti in loc sa scrie site-ul direct in browser din cauza ca pagina de start deobicei e Google, si automat cursorul se duce in casuta de cautare Google, unde el scrie site-ul fara www si domeniu, dupa care da click pe link. Am vazut multe persoane, chiar prea multe care fac acest lucru.

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