Lansare Aooleu 2


Igu ne anunta in urma ca o saptamana despre o intiativa Save or Cancel care viza reabilitarea Gradinii de Vara Capitol. Se pare ca lucrurile merg bine in acest sens, dovada anuntul primit de la Tom Wilson referitor la party-ul prilejuit de lansarea celui de-al doilea numar al Aooleu.

Totul are loc sambata 5 iulie la orele 17:00 – ne vedem acolo caci suna tare interesant!

The Cinema de Vara near to Embryo has been recently cleaned up by some kind souls, and we’re honoured to be able to organise the first ever eveniment there – the Aooleu! launch party for Issue Two. Come along and share a glass of lemonade with the quasi-celebrity artists who will be hanging around wearing black polo-neck sweaters and talking about how ‘genius is pain’. Aside from that, you’ll be able to pick up a free copy of the newspaper. Check for mower details.

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