Str Arthur Verona
Sambata 7th of June, 16:00h
Aooleu Issue One launch & Workshop
Hold the front page!
We’re proud to present Romania’s only hand-drawn, illustrated newspaper! “Aooleu!” Issue One is out! To get your sweaty hands on a copy, we suggest you turn up to the Arthur Verona ‘Street Delivery’ thingie this Saturday. Aooleu is entirely hand-drawn, and brings you the freshest news from around the globe one month after it happens. The good news is that it’s entirely free; the bad news is that it’s rather limited, so turn up early.
Issue one features the work of Roman Tolici, Matei Branea, Catalin Matei, Saint, Omar, Ada Musat, Cristie Neagoe, Saddo & Heliana, Ciubi, Gulia, Alexandra Paunescu, Maria Guta, Tom Wilson, Linda Barkasz, Sorina Vasilescu, Ciprian Udrescu & Kraimann Three.
At the same time we’ll be running a workshop for contributors for Issue Two… If you’d like to contribute, or are curious enough to try your hand at drawing something newsworthy, then turn up at 16:00 hours, Central European Time. Media empire here we come! I bet Rupert Murdoch is already well scared.
Peace and Love!
Aooleu Blazin’ Squad
– via incepem