Ce vom vedea de data asta:
1. Clipuri Ninja Tunes
The World Bank and IMF were set up in 1945 to integrate developing countries into the capitalist system of Free Trade. Their irresponsible loans have resulted in massive debt repayments leading to environmental destruction and a massive increase in poverty.
In September 2000 the two institutions staged their 55th annual meeting in Prague. Over 15,000 people from 30 countries travelled to the East European city intent on shutting down the meeting of the Worlds leading capitalists.
This documentary records the techniques of the various groups over three days. Cameras follow the diverse groups within the `pink blockade’ with their samba bands. We also record the `Black and Blue Blockades’ as they utilise more confrontational tactics. Despite police and army using tear gas, water cannons and other military hardware, and making over four hundred arrests riot police failed to quell the spirit of dissent. The cameras of the video activists bring you the news direct from the frontline and behind the scenes at how art is used to get the message home.
A film about three very different protesters who headed to Gleneagles ( G8 meetings ) earlier this year to persuade the gathered world leaders to take steps to help save the planet from destruction.
Ne pare rau, dar filmele nu au subtitrare in romana.
Limba: engleza
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