In the Eye of the Storm / Opening a new space in Bucharest
Anca Poterasu Gallery
In the Eye of the Storm
Thursday, 6th June, 2019
Starting at 18:00
26 Popa Soare, Bucharest
[Please scroll down for English]
Dragi prieteni,
Vă invităm pe 6 iunie, începând cu ora 18:00, la deschiderea unui nou spațiu al galeriei, în același cartier vechi al Bucureștiului, pe strada Popa Soare nr. 26.
Revenim în curând cu mai multe detalii despre expoziția de grup pe care o pregătim pentru inaugurare.
Save the date!
Dear friends,
On June 6th we are reopening the gallery in a new location, in the same charming, historical neighborhood of Bucharest we love so much.
Our new space on 26 Popa Soare keeps on the homely feeling that became our signature gallery trait. On this special occasion, we are glad to invite you to the opening of a group exhibition with the gallery artists.
More details about the exhibition soon!