Chameleon pres. Jane Fitz [UK] @ Club Control
19 Decembrie, 22:00
A DJ for over 20 years, Jane Fitz is resident at legendary UK festival Freerotation, Meadows in the Mountains in Bulgaria and in London at Night Moves, the party she co‐runs with Jade Seatle, and a regular at European/London night Cartuli’s Day.
At home in the UK she’s a favourite at respected parties such as Louche, Butter Side Up, Below, DiY, Black Dot and fabric. While in the past year alone she’s played all over the world, from New York to Paris, Berlin to Tokyo, Moscow to Rajasthan, in fields, clubs, boats, mountains, deserts, warehouses, beaches and basements ‐ bringing a hard‐to-categorise mix that can take in early UK acid tracks, deep, spacey house, modern psychedelic techno, or ambient textures.
Jane’s career has been built on her djing alone ‐ never relying on productions, or associations with record labels or FM radio. But in 2014 a debut release, as one half of production duo Invisible Menders, was released on cult UK label Porn Wax; a new ep for Boe Recordings lands in 2015, with more to follow.
dannilov [ Gazette/Storyboard ]
“Este unul dintre cei care apreciază diversitatea muzicii, încercand să îmbine genuri diferite de dragul poveștii și a stărilor de spirit care vin odată cu ea. Fiind un colectionar de muzica, se lasa usor inspirat de locurile in care ajunge sa se exprime, si nici nu da inapoi cand vine vorba sa rupa ringul de dans, ore in sir, cand muzica il inspira. Seturile lui au un caracter eclectic și puternic îndreptat spre trăiri si dans.
De doi ani si ceva il gasim in preajma unui label de petreceri, care se numeste ‘’Storyboard’’, fiind unul dintre initiatori. Despre Storyboard, este suficient sa stiti ca a fost creat ca o platforma de exprimare, libera, si mai ales, pentru a crea un context in care sa se faca transferal de cultura muzicala intre scena locala si cele din alte orase sau tari.”
profet [Chameleon]
Luger [Chameleon]