Chelner, calmarul din salata mea a plecat la plimbare!

Asa reactioneaza un calmar mort cand torni sos de soia peste el.

“This Japanese seafood dish is called “Odori-Don” and consists of salmon, seaweed and caviar – topped off with squid. The squid is recently dead, and when soy sauce is applied to the squid, its neurons are activated, causing it to wiggle and dance.
This is done to show how fresh it is at the table as a sign of luxury.
Japanese don’t consider this inhumane or cruel (as perhaps Westerners would assume), but it’s far more interesting than a twitching slab of cow.”

text: joe-ks

6 thoughts on “Chelner, calmarul din salata mea a plecat la plimbare!”

  1. realitatea este ca la cefalopode, creierul e intre/in spatele ochilor. prin curatare i se scoate doar sistemul digestiv. sosul de soia nu agita neuronii, e pur si simplu foarte iritant. o miscare coordonata, cum e aia, nu se obtine asa simplu din impulsuri directe.

    pe de alta parte, foarte interesant de vazut si bun de mancat. de vazut si ikizukuri. —

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