Joi, 12 iunie, incepind cu ora 6pm, Asociatia Komunitas & friends si Yazee va asteapta la evenimentul “1.99 sau ceva la schimb”, care va avea loc la clubul Fabrica din strada 11 iunie. Ce veti gasi acolo: o biblioteca alternativa temporara, compusa din carti, reviste, fanzinuri, articole, albume, flyere, stickere, etc; un free shop, unde aduci ceva (haine, gadgets, CD-uri cu filme sau muzica, jucarii, orice vrei sa dai la schimb) si pleci cu altceva; proiectii de filme documentare – “China Blue” si “Flip Flopsam”
Oricine este invitat sa contribuie la biblioteca alternativa si la free shop. Intrarea la eveniment va fi 1.99 lei sau…ceva la schimb. Va asteptam sa va schimbati planul pentru joi seara!
Detalii despre proiectii:
( subtitrate in engleza )
1. “China Blue,” a heartbreaking and meticulous documentary about life inside a blue-jeans factory in China, reveals more than we may care to know about the provenance of our most beloved item of clothing. Employing smuggled equipment and outright deception, Micha X. Peled and his crew infiltrate a plant owned by Guo Xi Lam, a former police chief who is clearly proud of his success. “We are happy to make the jeans for the whole world,” says his beaming sales manager, while clients like Wal-Mart and Levi Strauss suggest the factory is well on its way
Director: Micha X. Peled
Cast: Zhongbao Wu Su, Guo Liang, Song Chen, Wu Han
Running Time: 87 Minutes
2. Flip Flopsam – This beautifully photographed, charming documentary traces the fantastic journey of Africa’s most popular shoes: the flip-flop. Easily bought, quickly discarded, for Westerners the flip-flop stands as a symbol of the summer holiday. But in its African homeland, it has a unique life cycle and their story reveals much about Africa¹s economy and culture.