The Legendary Pink Dots

The Legendary Pink Dots

The Legendary Pink Dots

21 mai ora 21:00
45 ron

Club Control

1 thought on “The Legendary Pink Dots”

  1. Pentru prima data in Romania dupa 28 de ani de existenta, The Legendary Pink Dots vin la Control sa-si promoveze cel de-al 26-lea album de compozitie, “Plutonium Blonde”.

    In ciclul “Legends in Control” incercam sa aducem la club trupe care au influentat diferite zone ale muzicii alternative a ultimilor 30 de ani. Primul pas a fost Blurt. Daca v-ati last pacaliti de aparente si nu ati fost acolo, toti cei care au participat ar putea sa va spuna ca a fost ceva special. Nu faceti aceeasi greseala cu LPD. Chiar daca s-ar putea sa ascultati piese/albume care par complicate si experimentale, live-ul LPD este o experienta de neratat.

    “Wanna trying classifying them? Be our guest” – Denver Post”

    “And as for rock ‘n’ roll… what is it by now anyway? You may dance to the Pink Dots if you choose. The melodies will stick in your head and there are moments when their sound is as “industrial” as raining tanks on Detroit, as gentle as whispering leaves on Venus….” – ROIR

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