Bundle: Artă în lucru nr. 1-3 magazines

Original price was: € 18,48.Current price is: € 17,50.

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The Artă în lucru editorial project produced by Save or Cancel takes the form of an interactive magazine, which invites readers to become co-authors of new works of art and to explore contemporary urban art in a novel way.

You will receive all three issues published to date:

Artă în lucru, nr. 3, an 3 (2024)

Cover and graphic elements by Pisica Pătrată.

The „Artă în lucru, nr. 3” magazine offers to colour, complete and investigate the works and sketches of some of the most active and appreciated artists such as Aito Kitazaki (Japan), Aleksi Ivanov (Bulgaria), Alex Baciu, Alexandra Iliesco, Andrei Felea, Coon One, Cosmean, Harcea Pacea, Hyssop, Jana Danilović (Serbia), Maria Bălan, Mister Thoms (Italy), Msero, Ocu, Ohboy, Oksen, Opium (Italy), Pisica Pătrată, Popescu, Pulsar Sinaps, Robert Obert, Romb, Saddo, Score21, Thiago Gomes (Brazil), Whyx.

Artă în lucru, nr. 2, an 2 (2023)

Cover and graphic elements by Serebe.

The magazine „Artă în lucru, nr. 2” offers for colouring, completing and investigating the works and sketches of some of the most active and appreciated artists such as AeulHomeboyIonut PopescuiZZY iZVNEMSEROrtakuPandelePisica PătratăRUN and Serebe together with several emerging artists such as Alexa LincuAntonia CCoon OneDoniEugen MunteanuLouis K. JamalSANDi.

Artă în lucru, nr. 1, an 1 (2022)

Cover and graphic elements by Coon One.

The magazine “Artă în lucru, nr. 1” offers for colouring, completing and investigating the works and sketches of some of the most active and appreciated artists such as Aeul, Aito Kitazaki, Coon One, Dan Perjovschi, Iluc, Irina Mocanu, John Dot S, Livi Po, Pisica Pătrată, SANDi, SerebeViață.


The editorial project is produced by Save or Cancel (Cristina Popa, Andrei Racovițan) through feeder.ro and co-financed by AFCN.

The editorial project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or how the results of the project may be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the funding beneficiary.

Partners: Biblioteca Metropolitană București, Amsterdam Street ArtBSBSA (Bucharest Sofia Belgrade Street Art), Empower ArtistsDigitizArteIglooIQadsI Support Street Art, La pas prin Brasov, Litera 9, Modernism, PRwave, Street Art Belgrade, SAMA (Street Art Museum Amsterdam), Revista AtelierulRevista Comics, Revista Bagabont, Revista Golan, Romania PozitivăThe InstituteZeppelinUn-hidden Romania, Ziarul Pozitiv


About Save or Cancel
Since 2009, Save or Cancel has been a platform for communication and dissemination of arts and culture, promoting and facilitating their role in contemporary society. The multidisciplinary programs self-initiated by Save or Cancel aim to identify sustainable and adaptable opportunities for (re)valuing the existing through cultural and editorial projects.

Additional information

Weight 707 g
Dimensions 29,7 × 21 × 5 cm




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