Underground Scenes @ Galeria Dionis

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Underground Scenes @ Galeria Dionis
14 Ianuarie, 19:00

Visual exhibition with photographs taken by PhotomFlorin Frătică

Through “Underground Scenes” Florin sets out to deconstruct the artistic space and to debunk the myth of the suffering creative genius.
Underground scene is an immersion in a an environment drowned in darkness in which every character’s identity is masked by the use of inflexible lighting.
The characters are no longer mere photographic subjects but undergo a reduction to obscurity. They are entities, personas ready to take on any face.
The newly created personas do not hide at all in this artificial murkiness. They have the power to refute the control they are under and they posses freedom to take a courageous or feeble step forward into the light. It is a singular choice that they can make at any point.

Activating under the name of Photom, Florin Frătică is a Bucharest based Photographer and Visual Artist

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