Rezultatele jurizării premiilor pentru proiecte transdisciplinare

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Rezultatele evaluării


Premiu: 780 lei

Trofeu: lucrare artistică realizată de Pisica Pătrată și serigrafiată de Octav Avramescu

Premiu: 690 lei

Trofeu: lucrare artistică realizată de Pisica Pătrată și serigrafiată de Octav Avramescu

Premiu: 600 lei

Trofeu: lucrare artistică realizată de Pisica Pătrată și serigrafiată de Octav Avramescu

The awards for transdisciplinary projects are presented by Save or Cancel, with support from AFCN, and are part of the cultural project “ awards.”

The five members of the jury carefully evaluated 20 projects, each selecting a minimum of 10 projects in their order of preference. Artist Pisica Pătrată, a jury member for the street art and interventions awards, created the trophies awarded to the winning artists, while Octav Avramescu, a jury member for the transdisciplinary projects awards, contributed to the screen printing on each trophy.

The members of the jury for the Transdisciplinary Projects Awards include prominent cultural managers and workers such as Elvira Lupșa (, Mihaela Ion (Revista Atelierul), Octav Avramescu (Atelierul de serigrafie de pe lângă Librăria Jumătatea plină), along with representatives of Save or Cancel – Cristina Popa and Andrei Racovițan.

We are pleased to present today the results of the judging process and the list of projects awarded for transdisciplinary research and production.

Prize: 780 lei

Trophy: artwork made by Pisica Pătrată and screen printed by Octav Avramescu

Prize: 690 lei

Trophy: artwork made by Pisica Pătrată and screen printed by Octav Avramescu

Prize: 600 lei

Trophy: artwork made by Pisica Pătrată and screen printed by Octav Avramescu

The awards cultural project is produced by the Save or Cancel team, composed of Cristina Popa and Andrei Racovițan, through and co-financed by AFCN.

The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or the way the project results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.

Media partners: Agenția de carteBookhubIglooIQadsLa pas prin BrașovLitera 9ModernismPropagartaRevista AtelierulRevista GolanThe InstituteZeppelinZile și Nopți

About Save or Cancel

Since 2009, Save or Cancel has been a medium for communicating and propagating arts and culture, promoting and facilitating their role in contemporary society.

Save or Cancel’s self-initiated multidisciplinary programs aim to identify sustainable and adaptable opportunities to (re)enhance the existing through cultural and editorial projects.