Apelul deschis pentru compoziții de muzică electronică este organizat de Save or Cancel, cu susținere din partea AFCN și face parte din proiectul cultural “feeder.ro awards”. Apelul deschis a avut ca scop identificarea și premierea celor mai relevante compoziții de muzică electronică, lansate în perioada 2019-2023, evaluate și votate anonim de către public.
Mulțumim participanților pentru minunatele înscrieri, și tuturor cititorilor care s-au implicat în procesul de selecție a lucrărilor câștigătoare.
Suntem bucuroși să îți prezentăm compozițiile câștigătoare.
The open call for electronic music compositions is organised by Save or Cancel, with support from AFCN, and is part of the cultural project “feeder.ro awards”. The open call aimed to identify and award the most relevant electronic music compositions, released in the period 2019-2023, which were be evaluated and voted anonymously by the public.
We would like to thank the participants for their wonderful entries, and all the readers who were involved in the process of selecting the winning entries.
We are happy to introduce the winning compositions.
Compoziții premiate / Winning compositions
Mihai Cojanu – Feathers
Artist: Mihai Cojanu
Artist bio
Mihai Cojanu is a Romanian DJ, producer, and composer who started his activity in 2007 as an outcome of the foundations laid by his father and by 2012 his sets were broadcasted by Ibiza Global Radio.
He took an 8 years break from performing and by 2019 he returns to the electronic music scene sharing it with artists such as Bryz, Cosmjn, Lizz, Prichindel, Sublee, Pagal, etc.
Gals – Brain Dance
Artist: Gals
Artist bio
Gals was born in Odessa, Ukraine. The first meeting with electronic music happened in 2005. After that, he began to play regularly in nightclubs. Also at this time there were attempts to produce their own music, but at that time it was more of a hobby. There was a pause in music from 2013 to 2018. But after hitting the Sunwaves festival in 2018, very impressed and very inspired, he begins to resume his musical path. In 2019, he starts the Intelligent Sound podcast. Artists from different countries in various directions of electronic music record their sets for his podcast. Over time, the podcast finds its natural continuation and growth and Intelligent Sound becomes a label. The world saw the first release on vinyl with Kirik – To Experience Joy EP on May 13, 2022. The second release from Minube – Coffee Grinder Malfunction with remixes from Zlatnichi and Farid Odilbekov will be released in September 2022.
Gals started a digital series from Intelligent Sound, where he released his first own official track. Also, a large number of artists managed to release their music on it.
Gals is also a party organizer from Intelligent Sound, Sunset Lovers and Microwaves.
Gals is creating a unique atmosphere via mixing deep, minimal and microhouse, that will make you enjoy this intelligent sound.
Deelighter – groovin rollercoaster
Artist: Deelighter
“Muzica pentru mine este cel mai placut mod de a ma relaxa si a contempla. Legat de acest EP, pot spune ca abia acum am ajuns la stilul pe care vreau sa il abordez si ma bucur ca il pot impartasi cu voi!”
Proiectul cultural feeder.ro awards este produs de echipa Save or Cancel, compusă din Cristina Popa și Andrei Racovițan, prin feeder.ro și co-finanțat de AFCN.
Proiectul nu reprezintă în mod necesar poziția Administrației Fondului Cultural Național. AFCN nu este responsabilă de conținutul proiectului sau de modul în care rezultatele proiectului pot fi folosite. Acestea sunt în întregime responsabilitatea beneficiarului finanțării.
Parteneri media: Agenția de carte, Bookhub, Igloo, IQads, La pas prin Brașov, Litera 9, Modernism, Propagarta, Revista Atelierul, Revista Golan, The Institute, Zeppelin, Zile și Nopți
Despre Save or Cancel
Din 2009, Save or Cancel este un mediu de comunicare și propagare a artelor și culturii, promovând și facilitând rolul acestora în societatea contemporană.
Programele multidisciplinare auto-inițiate de Save or Cancel au ca scop identificarea oportunităților sustenabile și adaptabile de (re)valorizare a existentului prin proiecte culturale și editoriale.
The feeder.ro awards cultural project is produced by the Save or Cancel team, composed of Cristina Popa and Andrei Racovițan, through feeder.ro and co-financed by AFCN.
The project does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the project or the way the project results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.
Media partners: Agenția de carte, Bookhub, Igloo, IQads, La pas prin Brașov, Litera 9, Modernism, Propagarta, Revista Atelierul, Revista Golan, The Institute, Zeppelin, Zile și Nopți
About Save or Cancel
Since 2009, Save or Cancel has been a medium for communicating and propagating arts and culture, promoting and facilitating their role in contemporary society.
Save or Cancel’s self-initiated multidisciplinary programs aim to identify sustainable and adaptable opportunities to (re)enhance the existing through architectural, cultural and publishing projects