Cr15tina – Pisi Toarce

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Cr15tina – Pisi Miau

A discreet presence on the Romanian electronic scene, Cristina expresses her own vision of music through her productions that stimulate positive moods and emotions with the help of a kind of warm, personal techno that invites introspection.
In 2016, she released Zbor Maiastru EP in collaboration with the Arms Limited label. In 2017, Love Dimension EP appeared on the Chilean label Cisne Negro. The voice from “Nu Zaietz Pagadi” haunts us, evoking monochrome-filtered memories. The song appeared on a VA Rooftop Cardigans, in November 2017. In April 2018, the friendship with Cisne Negro Records materialized in a new collaboration, this time it is Hai Hui, a song that appears on the VA vol. 1 compilation.

Cr15tina has also collaborated with other labels during this period and you can also find her songs on Bandcamp at the following links:


And the following pages where you can watch it:

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