
Fake windows

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via Generate Pipeline Made of electroluminescent (EL) sheets, Makoto Hirahara’s Bright Blind simulates a window where none exists.


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Ce face? Face fonturi – online 🙂 Incercati-l daca nu-l stiati, necesita cont dar e chiar tare!


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Worlde e ojucarie foarte tare despre care am aflat via Gorgeoux.


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Event propaganda for you and your friends. Foarte simplu, fara login, uitati de exemplu cum arata o pagina facuta de… Read More »Mobganda

Revista Blana later edit: se asteapta materiale pentru numarul 5 pe redactia at revistablana dot ro

Various Artist

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Various Artist sambata 28 iunie Other Side Club Brezoianu 4

Hazee + Burner Creene

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Vineri 27 iunie Hazee (Skunk Predators) Burner Greene (Astronaut Kru) ora 23.00 Other Side Club Brezoianu 4

Find Sounds

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Find Sounds, o unealta ce se poate dovedi utila [eu acum am aflat de ea]

Comic RPG

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Un fel de RPG-comic mash-up. via jondoe