feeder sound 430 mixed by Jessie Calistri [Xenophile]

feeder sound 430 mixed by Jessie Calistri [Xenophile]

Hello, feeders, and welcome to a new episode of feeder sound mixed by Jessie Calistri, which will bring the summer vibes from California to your soul! 

A music selector and DJ with a deep acquaintance with electronic music, Jessie is highly regarded for her constant appearances at parties and events around the Los Angeles underground scene. Her refined taste on the turntables evokes an irresistible urge to dance and become part of the beautiful story she crafts with her music collections. To fully appreciate this intricate mix, it’s essential to recognize the skilful blending of different genres, which is a meaningful feature of Jessie‘s style!

With over a decade of experience, Jessie Calistri has consistently upheld her distinctive sound, earning the confidence of her audience. Through her platform, Xenophile Collective, she offers artists a space to share their collections of underground music and live recordings. 

We are thrilled that Jessie Calistri accepted our invitation and shared a timeless set featuring deep, atmospheric notes in this outstanding episode of feeder sound. Press play and immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience as you dance through different frequencies from one track to another.

Jessie Calistri on soundcloud | facebook | instagram
Xenophile Collective on soundcloud | instagram
feeder sound on soundcloud | YouTube | feeder.ro

About feeder sound

feeder sound is a showcase of local and international talent alike, comprised of DJ sets and fresh tunes meticulously curated in a sound collection that promotes mutual recognition and cultural exchange between musicians worldwide. Visit the project’s pages, feeder soundEP reviews and exclusive premiere to find out more about the current and future activities.

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