exclusive premiere: Deku – Emeth [Saraw]
Saraw returns with the 3rd volume of the Lunar Cycle various artists series, delivering a truly immersive journey into the endless possibilities of minimal techno and beyond. The productions here are brought forward by DinAmmo, Yass, Root, Dragosh, Atmann, Mea Culpa, MarkVol, Bauch, Tsk, Diskonanzie Cogniteeba, Akute and our featured artist for today, Deku.
Known for his distinct and elegant sound that captivates the minds of his listeners, Deku always delivers good vibes to the people whether we talk about his productions or his DJ sets. Among the labels he collaborated with we find Saraw, Nightclubber.ro, Cedesciu Wax and miNIMMAl movement, while his travels led him to perform in cities like Miami, New York, El Paso, Tijuana and Cluj-Napoca.
Deku‘s “Emeth” smoothly lays out a stripped-down minimal groove elegantly complemented by glitched layers, a low-slung bassline and intricate arrangements that constantly create tension. The background chords and vocals add an extra eerie feeling to the whole trip, closing the VA with style.
The other tracks are equally appealing, diving into bubbly rhythms and textures flavoured with experimental ingredients, ambient influences, dark notes here and there, trippy broken beats or engaging four-to-the-floor compositions. Definitely a must-have compilation right here for selectors and collectors alike!
Grab your copy of Lunar Cycle III VA from the label’s official Bandcamp page.
Deku on instagram
Saraw on soundcloud / facebook / instagram
Title/Cat.No.: Lunar Cycle III / SRW025
Release Date/Format: 21.11.2022 / Digital
Words by: AndreiB
About feeder sound
feeder sound is a showcase of local and international talent alike, comprised of DJ sets and fresh tunes meticulously curated in a sound collection that promotes mutual recognition and cultural exchange between musicians worldwide. Visit the project’s page feeder sound, EP reviews and exclusive premiere to find out more about past, current and future activities.
This article is published in the October-November 2022 edition of the feeder.ro online magazine.
ISSN 2734 – 5637 | ISSN-L 2734 – 5637
Revistă / publicație culturală finanțată cu sprijinul Ministerului Culturii.
Magazine / cultural publication financed with the support of the Ministry of Culture.
Opinions belong to the authors and do not represent the position of the online magazine or the Ministry of Culture.