Gri – Love Songs For Dragons [PianoForest Records]
The next chapter in PianoForest Records‘ sonic journeys entitled “Love Songs For Dragons” is brought forward by up-and-coming Romanian Dj and producer Georgian Tanaselea aka Gri who delivers an outstanding minimal sound while adding extra magic to the label’s discography which features amazing works from Alex Baciu, Alpi, Dragos Ungureanu, Ciprian Stan and userUNKNWN, among others.
Both tracks on this EP deliver a bright and exciting vibe that you will not easily forget, marking the artist’s solo debut on vinyl with style. His digital releases include collaborations with imprints like Tzinah, Inwave, Music Is Art, Cer Senin, Mood 24 Records, My Kind Of and Second Steps Records, to name a few.
Side A features “Swim With Me”, a hypnotic ever-evolving composition designed with crystalline synth melodies, organic modulations, twisted effects and spacious atmospheric arrangements. Transposing the listener into an eerie dimension, the track surfs the sinewaves with a mysterious rotation perfect for dimly-lighted dancefloors. On Side B “Present” takes the tempo down a notch, revealing a laid-back journey flavoured with downtempo themes, ambient influences and psychedelic effects. A must-have record for collectors and selectors alike!

Grab your copy of Love Songs For Dragons by Gri at
Artists: Gri
Title: Love Songs For Dragons
Label: PianoForest Records
Cat. number: PFR008
Release date: 29.09.2022
Format: Vinyl-only
Words by AndreiB
About feeder sound
feeder sound is a showcase of local and international talent alike, comprised of DJ sets and fresh tunes meticulously curated in a sound collection that promotes mutual recognition and cultural exchange between musicians worldwide. Visit the project’s pages, feeder sound, EP reviews and exclusive premiere to find out more about the current and future activities.
This article is published in the October-November 2022 edition of the online magazine.
ISSN 2734 – 5637 | ISSN-L 2734 – 5637

Revistă / publicație culturală finanțată cu sprijinul Ministerului Culturii.
Magazine / cultural publication financed with the support of the Ministry of Culture.
Opinions belong to the authors and do not represent the position of the online magazine or the Ministry of Culture.