feeder jukebox #27 selected by Etérica
Etérica represents the sonic manifestation of the Brasilian duo Aleakim and Cacal perceiving music and rhythm as this invisible element that, like aether, permeates everyone and connects everything. Using the ideas of “tecnobruxaria” (techno-witchcraft), their mixtapes are guided by the sixth sense, delivering true mysticism on the dancefloor, where the alchemy is made up of all kinds of sounds that seduce the body through the act of listening.
Exploring various styles and genres, Etérica goes beyond the standard bpm limitations, bringing forward entrancing selections powered by anything from techno, house, breakbeat and acid to disco, indie and whatever fits the mix or the mood of the moment. Always expect the unexpected!
“We believe this mixtape is the fruit of our desire for a warmer, faster and uptempo dancefloor journey. Thinking about it, we can paint it with shades of red and orange, a lot of bass, but also acid sounds that go blue and purple. Our research is done separately, but we exchange a lot of “stickers” during the processing. Eventually, we got together to see how (and if) the tracks would match. As usual, it was a perfect combination, we had a lot of fun and could not stop dancing! The final product is this colorful mix: breakbeat, bass, acids and magic made to shake out some bodies and souls. Hope you enjoy as much as we did! ✨”
feeder jukebox #27 selected by Etérica reveals an uplifting and hypnotic affair packed with twisted cuts that will make you want to move your body in seconds. From spiralling breaks, acidic tempos and old-school anthems to modern bass-laden compositions and glitchy sounds, this eclectic journey right here has all it needs to get you all warmed up for the upcoming weekend. Adjust the volume of your speakers and enjoy!
Etérica: Aleakim (instagram / soundcloud) & Cacal (instagram / soundcloud)
feeder sound: feeder.ro / soundcloud
Words by AndreiB / Photo by Lucas Gibson
About feeder sound
feeder sound is a showcase of local and international talent alike, comprised of DJ sets and fresh tunes meticulously curated in a sound collection that promotes mutual recognition and cultural exchange between musicians worldwide. Visit the project’s pages, feeder sound, EP reviews and exclusive premiere to find out more about the current and future activities.
This article is published in the October-November 2022 edition of the feeder.ro online magazine.
ISSN 2734 – 5637 | ISSN-L 2734 – 5637
Revistă / publicație culturală finanțată cu sprijinul Ministerului Culturii.
Magazine / cultural publication financed with the support of the Ministry of Culture.
Opinions belong to the authors and do not represent the position of the online magazine or the Ministry of Culture.