Designer Doubt ft Kyla – Like I Do [RU Listening]

Designer Doubt ft Kyla - Like I Do [RU Listening]

North London’s Designer Doubt have their highly anticipated debut House Music album, ‘A Day In The Sun’, dropping in early 2023. Why is it so highly anticipated? Well, it comes with a star studded cast of collaborators including Justin Beiber, Kyla, Ray J, Tyga, Chris Brown, The Spice Girls, Snoop Dogg and K Harrison… that’s some line-up! 

Their first release from the album is the catchy single, ‘Like I Do’, which features Kyla, who sang on Drake’s enormous single, ‘One Dance’. Loaded with feel-good vibes and fun from start to finish, ‘Like I Do’ comes with a touch of 90s House vibes, where raw stabs and deep delicious chords bounce around the playful vocals. The release also features a club mix that comes with more of an underground flavour, toughening things up a little for the late night dance floors. 

This article is published in the October-November 2022 edition of the online magazine.
ISSN 2734 – 5637 | ISSN-L 2734 – 5637
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