CALL FOR ENTRIES – 1 august – 6 september 2022
Bucharest Graphic Days is an event that will happen in Romania, dedicated exclusively to graphic design that aims to promote and strengthen the profession as well as encourage interaction between its members. Built principally around collaborations with cultural institutes and other cultural bodies from around the country, this multifarious participatory event is open to all those wishing to share their graphic design work with others. Work is currently underway to stage 10 exhibitions, 4 workshops and 5 days of talks, all of which will be complemented by projects and works submitted under a Call for Entries.
“I’m trying to avoid the word ‘festival’ wherever possible. What we are trying to achieve here is not necessarily festive in nature. First and foremost a festival needs to clearly define and articulate the product it is celebrating. Having said that, we still don’t really know the nature of the beast we are dealing with. What we are trying to do forms part of a continuous process of evaluation. Not just of the works of art themselves, but also the human factor in all its limitations and splendour. This is not our usual line of work, but I must admit it’s fascinating, if a little exhausting, to place the tissue under the microscope and to examine the individual cells. As long as we still have the energy, and as long as the odours of dissection don’t put us off, I believe our audacity will be fully rewarded. Only then will we able to rejoice and celebrate. (Ciprian N. Isac – initiator and director of Bucharest Graphic Days)
Bucharest Graphic Days is organised by Graphic Front, Atelierul de Grafică, Bucharest & friends.
It will take place between 1-15 October 2022 and will have three types of content: EXHIBITIONS, WORKSHOPS and TALKS.
The main partners of the event are various Bucharest-based cultural institutes, including the Czech Centre, the Polish Institute, the Cervantes Institute, the Goethe Institute, the Liszt Institute, the Order of Romanian Architects, the Museum of the Romanian Peasant, the Museum of Romanian Literature, the Ephemair Association, Cărturești, Casa Radio, PosterTerritory.
There will be EXHIBITIONS of posters, illustrations, comics, packaging, vintage illustrated books and award-winning books; TALKS on urban graphics, UX Design, graphic design and lettering; WORKSHOPS on calligraphy, letterpress printing, posters and urban lettering; with guests and content from Bucharest, Cluj, Timișoara, Madrid, Leipzig, Poznan, California and Bosnia.
Media partners:, Radio RFI, Zeppelin magazine, Igloo magazine, Graphic Arts, Radio România Cultural, PosterTerritory.
CALL FOR ENTRIES 1 August – 6 September
Anyone wishing to participate has 5 weeks to register under one or more of the following project categories: thematic posters (two types), solo or group exhibitions, workshops, speaker at one of the talks. More details here.
Last but not least, you can also get involved as a supporter or sponsor.
For more information, see the event website: