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Ascultă podcastul cu Billie Eilish, în exclusivitate pentru Telekom Electronic Beats
Află mai multe despre lucrurile care o fac fericită pe artistă, despre revenirea pe scenă, reconectarea cu fanii după COVID-19 și despre arta de a fi recunoscător pentru ce trăiești.
Accesează acest link pentru a asculta podcastul integral pe Spotify.
Nu uita de concertul artistei de pe 1 Iunie. Îl vom transmite și noi live pe paginile noastre de social media. Rămâneți aproape! Mai e atât de puțin!
Listen to the podcast with Billie Eilish, exclusively for Telekom Electronic Beats
For this celebratory fifth anniversary Telekom Electronic Beats podcast, we reconnect with GRAMMY® and Academy Award winner Billie Eilish.
Ahead of her exclusive acoustic live show with her brother FINNEAS at the Telekom Forum in Bonn, Germany on June 1st, 2022, our host Lindi Delight spoke remotely to Billie at her home in L.A. about what makes her happy, reconnecting with her fans in real life since stepping back onto the scene and the art of not taking things for granted. Over the past few years, Eilish has become a true breakout artist. Even with such stardom amongst her, she remains a truly humble musician with an eye-opening view of what the world of contemporary music can sound like and how you can remain real and true to your fans while your musical journey continues its meteoric rise.
“You can lose anything at any time, and we should be grateful for everything all the time”
– Billie Eilish
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