A doua ediție Romanian Jewelry Week, un eveniment amplu de bijuterie de autor ca artă și expresie creativă, s-a derulat de-a lungul a 4 zile de expoziții, conferințe, vernisaje și tururi ghidate care au avut loc în spațiul centrului cultural ARCUB Hanul Gabroveni și în alte 4 locații partenere precum Galateca, Muzeul Național de Istorie a României, AlbAlb și Dizainăr.
191 designeri de bijuterie contemporană din peste 25 țări din întrega lume și-au prezentat colecțiile la Romanian Jewelry Week 2.0, precum și șase expoziții colective, școli și asociații internaționale de renume: Milano Jewelry Week, Budapest Jewelry Week, Co-Adorn Art Jewellery Society Canada, Sheffield Hallam University UK, Plus One Collective și The Gallery of Art in Legnica Polonia. Expoziția a prezentat de asemenea și doi designeri internaționali invitați speciali – Daniella Saraya (Israel) și Claudia Lepik (Cluster London Artist in Residence).
Premiile Romanian Jewelry Week au fost decernate duminică, 3 octombrie, la Arcub – Hanul Gabroveni și a avut drept câștigători următorii designeri Marele premiu Romanian Jewelry week a fost acordat designerului thailandez Khajornsak Nakpan: “Voi continua să creez o experiență senzorială care va permite celui care o poartă sau o atinge să experimenteze frumusețea din miezul naturii.”
Premiile Romanian Jewelry Week
THE GRAND AWARD OF ROMANIAN JEWELRY WEEK is awarded to Khajornsak Nakpan for the outstanding collection and combination of techniques, materials and concept in contemporary jewelry.
THE EMERGING DESIGNER AWARD AT ROMANIAN JEWELRY WEEK is awarded to Melis Agabigum and Izabella Petrut by the selection of the Romanian Jewelry Week 2021 jury member Charon Kransen.
THE AWARD FOR EXCELLENCE IN TECHNIQUE AT ROMANIAN JEWELRY WEEK is awarded to Gayane Avetisyan by the selection of the Romanian Jewelry Week 2021 jury member Bernadette Pinet- Cuoq – President of the European Federation of Jewellery.
THE AWARD FOR EXPERIMENTATION AND INNOVATION AT ROMANIAN JEWELRY WEEK is awarded to Roberta Consalvo Sances by the selection of the Romanian Jewelry Week 2021 jury member Paulo Ribeiro – Director general at JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery & Objects
THE AWARD FOR SOCIAL MESSAGE AT ROMANIAN JEWELRY WEEK is awarded to Rita Besnyoi and Alise Kennedy Jewellery by the selection of the Romanian Jewelry Week 2021 jury member Justyna Teodorczyk – Director Of The Gallery Of Art In Legnica, Poland
THE ILIAS LALAOUNIS JEWELRY MUSEUM AWARD AT ROMANIAN JEWELRY WEEK is awarded to Choying Ng and Michelle Plamondon by the selection of the Romanian Jewelry Week 2021 jury member Byron Vafeiadis – Curator of Education and Collections at Ilias Lalaounis Jewelry Museum in Athens, Greece.
THE CLUSTER LONDON AWARD AT ROMANIAN JEWELRY WEEK is awarded to Andreia Gabriela Popescu and Mihaela Grama by the selection of the Romanian Jewelry Week 2021 special awards by Cluster London.
THE LOST IN JEWELRY MAGAZINE AWARD AT ROMANIAN JEWELRY WEEK is awarded to Ani Flys by the selection of the Romanian Jewelry Week 2021 special awards by Lost in Jewellery Magazine.
THE MYDAYBYDAY GALLERY AWARD AT ROMANIAN JEWELRY WEEK is awarded to Roberta Consalvo Sances by the selection of the Romanian Jewelry Week 2021 special awards by Mydaybyday Gallery in Rome.
THE MILANO JEWELRY WEEK AWARD AT ROMANIAN JEWELRY WEEK is awarded to Alis Lalu, Monica Wickström, Ani Flys, Ariel Lavian, Debby Wang, Zita Engel, Fabiana Fusco, Gabriel Jardim de Paula, Małgorzata Kalinska, May Gañán, Melis Agabigum, Ramona Popescu and Yolanda Zheng by the selection of the Romanian Jewelry Week 2021 special awards by Milano Jewelry Week.