Barac – Sunet cu ramburs
Since December last year, we haven‘t heard a single sound from Barac, and we were super curious about what is he preparing in his secret lab. Like most of his music, his latest EP came out shrugged in mystery.
When talking about music, frequencies, and the correlation with what could be a current shaman, Barac is certainly one of the leading figures in this field, exploring through intricate sounds, repetitions and patterns the deepest levels of conciseness. Barac‘s music represents the perfect balance of the dynamicity imported from the tribal chants that makes your body dance and the warm vibrations that relax your mind and give room for personal thoughts.
The recent EP “Sunet cu ramburs” (refundable sound), composed of two tracks, maintain Barac‘s deep, dark and rather difficult to understand perspective, all in subtle tones.
Get your copy at Bandcamp.
On, you can discover more about the transcending and unmistakable music produced by Barac by reading the reviews we‘ve been publishing since 2014: The First Thing EP [Blue], Immersion EP [r.hitect], Mystical, for those who don‘t understand magical, Here And Nowhere EP [Shamandrum], The Real You is Not You EP [Moment], One Who Can See In The Dark EP [Shamandrum], Le Dance Sans EP [Drumma Records], Drums EP [Shamandrum], Masterplan EP [r.hitect], When we see one double EP [UVAR], Buchla Market [Moment], The Scorched Earth Interpretations [Meander], Maloma EP [Kusi Records], Numerous Agnomens Vol. III VA [Aku].
Artist: Barac
Title: Sunet cu ramburs EP
Label: Independent
Release date: 8.04.2021
Format: Digital
Words by Cristina Popa (random) & Andrei Racovițan (ubic)
About feeder sound
feeder sound is a showcase of local and international talent alike, comprised of DJ sets and fresh tunes meticulously curated in a sound collection that promotes mutual recognition and cultural exchange between musicians worldwide. Visit the project’s pages, feeder sound, EP reviews and exclusive premiere to find out more about the current and future activities.
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