Oksen, aka Nesk, is a Romanian graffiti writer, part of the active crew called RSH (Really Sick Habits). Nesk has a deep connection with the underground graffiti scene for more than two decades. He painted in Bucharest, Cluj, Timișoara, Vama Veche and many other cities around Romania and Europe. For creative artists like Nesk, who like spending time to create their complex piece composed of different types of letters, textures and patterns, and characters, freight trains are a good option. Compared to trains, metros, or other mediums, the artwork painted on freight trains lasts for many months and travels longer routes. The downside of this subculture is that you don‘t have the chance so often to see these amazing artworks.
NESK – “Oksen”, acrylic marker on canvas, 60 x 20 cm, 2020 NESK – “Neeeskkk”, acrylic marker on canvas, 60 x 20 cm, 2019 NESK – “Oksen”, acrylic marker on canvas, 60 x 20 cm, 2018
In this context, we are more than happy to present a fantastic and unique series of three canvases painted by Nesk between 2018 and 2020 that captures his work’s essence. In these distinctive artworks, Nesk illustrates some of his signature styles of lettering and rendering. Using only markers and a very narrow brush, he can condense a wide range of typographies and graffiti styles with his personal touch.
You can buy these authentic canvases and a fragment of the local graffiti history, at an affordable price for any collector, only on feeder.ro SHOP HERE
Words by Andrei Racovițan (ubic) & Cristina Popa (random / nwt)