feeder sound 227 mixed by Eleni

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feeder sound 227 mixed by Eleni article-cover

Time to dive into some serious minimal sounds delivered by Eleni, our guest for this week’s episode of the feeder sound podcast series. 

German, with Italian and Greek roots, Eleni‘s fascination for electronic music started from her early teens. Growing up close to Frankfurt, she was influenced by clubs like Robert Johnson and Cocoon, where she got in touch with the Romanian sound and artists like [a:rpia:r]. Shortly after, while digging for records, she discovers mixing and she instantly falls in love with it.

Since 2017, Eleni‘s approach to the Romanian style shapes her own niche into the local club scene. Her sets may be defined as percussive emulsion intertwined with minimalist abstract techno. With recent gigs in Vama Veche, Athens and Bucharest she proves to be a skilled selector, with her sets being truly immersive and dynamic. Lately, she shared the decks with artists like Mr. Roussos, Anaid, Nherd, CGeorge, Manefiu, Tulbure, Piticu and others. We will definitely hear more coming from her in the near future so stay sharp!

feeder sound 227 mixed by Eleni reveals a deep and engaging minimalistic selection, flavoured with elegant modulations and carefully crafted transitions. The journey begins with an eerie atmospheric intro and slowly builds tension while keeping the tempo balanced around solid minimal music. Effects are used in order to emphasise the overall feeling of the played tracks and to also add a subtle depth to the flow. The rhythm provides a hypnotic groove for one hour and five minutes, so enjoy with the volume up!



Eleni on soundcloud | facebook
feeder sound on soundcloud | feeder.ro


Words by AndreiB


Join the feeder sound OPEN CALL for DJs and producers!


The feeder sound project aims to create new artistic expression opportunities for young musicians and producers.


The feeder sound project is organized by Save or Cancel team, composed of Cristina Popa (random) and Andrei Racovițan (ubic), through feeder.ro and is co-funded by AFCN, Thematic area: Digital art and new media. The program does not necessarily represent the position of the National Cultural Fund Administration. AFCN is not responsible for the content of the program or the way the program results can be used. These are entirely the responsibility of the beneficiary of the funding.

Partners: CNDBZeppelinIgloothe Institute


Visit the project’s page feeder soundEP reviews and exclusive premiere to find out more about past, current and future activities.

About Save or Cancel
Since 2008, Save or Cancel is a medium of communication and propagation of the arts and culture, promoting and facilitating their role in contemporary society.
The self-initiated multidisciplinary programs of Save or Cancel aim to identify sustainable and adaptable opportunities for (re) valorization of the existence through architectural, cultural and editorial projects.

feeder sound is a showcase of local and international talent alike comprised of DJ sets and fresh tunes meticulously curated in a sound collection which promotes mutual recognition and cultural exchange between musicians worldwide.

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