Five painters of the Romanian artist group GRUND show their latest works at Five Plus Art Gallery Vienna
Distant Closeness, Intimate Expanse
- Adrian Dica
- Laura Niculescu
- Razvan Nastase
- Augustin Razvan Radu
- Daniel Rosca
Curator: Miel Delahaij
Opening: Wednesday, July 24th 2019, 7:00 PM
Exhibition until August 30th 2019
FIVE PLUS Art Gallery
Argentinierstraße 41, 1040 Wien, Austria
+43 660 2998757
Facebook event:
“In their painting, they show how they define space as an artistically structured combination of a given unit of quantity of form surfaces or rulings according to an original order schema. This creative order schema, which formulates the creative process, is executed with absolute accuracy as well as subjected to certain irritations that integrate subjective sensory impulses into the scheme. (Laura Niculescu)
In some of their works, the artists move on the dividing line between purely abstract gestures and figurative fragmentation. (Razvan Nastase)
Although they restrain their formal language in proportionate, clear gestures, it remains a spontaneous expression of the unconscious, which solidifies into pictorial articulations. (Daniel Rosca) The intuitive improvisation of the imagination in the works exhibited here is supported by a specific figurative elemental repertoire, which is integrated into the creative gestures as a symbolic, a motive frame. (Augustin Rasvan Radu, Adrian Dica).” Miel Delahaij
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