The Slices Series – Clean cuts through my imagination

The Slices Series – Clean cuts through my imagination

The Slices Series – Clean cuts through my imagination

The pieces are part of the project called “Slices”. A series of 3 artworks which represent actual slices through different mediums, places, and moments, focusing on a character who experiences these locations.

The beauty of a collage lies in the infinity of stories it has to tell. Each piece has its own chain of events and at some point at least two of them intertwined, since the author decided they should all be part of the same whole. He was searching for any link he could find. Even the most ordinary one would do.

Wanna go fishing?

the forest sonde

Shifting between worlds was his favorite thing to do. He would stay as long as he needed and never visit that particular land again. The only place he would keep coming back to was somewhere on Earth, usually for Christmas, to rest and enjoy the beauty of present-people.

the street illustration sonde

Those strange sounds he kept hearing made him walk into this world. He knew right away he couldn’t stay long, but that never stopped him. He had earned the most peculiar type of power. A kind one. A good one. A humble one. Enough.
Lift off!

The series focuses on short visual details of some dreams or experiences I had. Each one reflected in the visual story it tells, represented by a cut/slice through the actual scene. The artworks invite you to imagine the rest of the scene in any way you want.

The series was painted in Adobe Photoshop using a Wacom Tablet, after some sketches I did, in my notebook.


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