TOP 15 most viewed articles of the year [2017]
👀 Looking to find out more about your preferences in order to constantly improve’s content offerings, we assembled a top of the most visited articles in 2017.
It seems we should keep a focus on fresh places, open calls for artists, festivals, architecture and heritage. 🔝
POLL: Care sunt cele mai fresh localuri din 2016, în București?
1. 14,781 Pageviews, 4.18% of total views // Average time 00:04:48 // Entrances 11,613
2. 10,889 Pageviews, 3.08% of total views // Average time 00:05:49 // Entrances 9,605 (4.07%)
Unde ne bronzăm vara asta: lista piscinelor din Bucureşti 2015
3. 10,670 Pageviews, 3.02% of total views // Average time 00:03:52 // Entrances 9,232
4. 10,249 Pageviews, 2.90% of total views // Average time 00:04:11 // Entrances 7,871
5. 9,548 Pageviews, 2.70% of total views // Average time 00:04:01 // Entrances 8,168
POLL: What are the most exciting festivals in 2017, Romania?
6. 8,596 Pageviews, 2.43% of total views // Average time 00:02:57 // Entrances 6,722
7. 8,441 Pageviews, 2.39% of total views // Average time 00:04:33 // Entrances 7,416
8. 8,440 Pageviews, 2.39% of total views // Average time 00:04:36 // Entrances 7,590
9. 4,296 Pageviews, 1.22% of total views // Average time 00:04:25 // Entrances 3,722
23 de clădiri reabilitate care pun în valoare patrimoniul din România
10. 4,272 Pageviews, 1.21% of total views // Average time 00:05:46 // Entrances 3,558
11. 4,080 Pageviews, 1.15% of total views // Average time 00:04:48 // Entrances 2,821
POLL: What’s your favourite place to enjoy the perfect coffee in Bucharest? [2017]
12. 3,739 Pageviews, 1.06% of total views // Average time 00:03:45 // Entrances 2,617
13. 3,652 Pageviews, 1.03% of total views // Average time 00:04:54 // Entrances 2,387
14. 3,089 Pageviews, 0.87% of total views // Average time 00:05:59 // Entrances 2,560
15. 3,079 Pageviews, 0.87% of total views // Average time 00:04:20 // Entrances 1,890
Words by Cristina Popa [random] & the authors
Photos © the authors