The weather outside is frightful, but this week on feeder will be delightful! We have a lot of interesting stuff to share with you in the following days, so here’s what to expect:
feeder insider with Dan Perjovschi [en]
The english version of a fascinating conversation with Dan Perjovschi lands tomorrow for our international friends.
feeder newsletter
The best articles from right into your inbox, a secret link to the newest feeder sound and many other surprises wait for you in this week’s newsletter! Subscribe here.
POLL: What are the most exciting festivals in 2017, Romania?
What festival is already on your mind even though it’s only the beginning of the year? We’ll find out together later this week.
After the feeder insider pop-up gallery in September, Saturday, 7 January, we paid another visit to Lente and saw Kitră in action as he was bringing back to life a wall from the old house at Dionisie Lupu 78.
We are looking for new friends and colleagues to join us in changing the city! If you think we would get along, send us your portfolio, CV and letter of intent at Hurry up, today is the last day!
Click the link above for details.